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词汇 fed
例句 Badly fed children suffer a lot of minor illnesses.饮食不良的孩子常常闹些小病。Students are unwilling to really work. They want to be spoon-fed.学生们不愿真正去努力。他们希望依赖别人。Someone had fed him a lethal dose of cyanide.有人给他服用了致命剂量的氰化物。All our chickens are fed on corn.我们养的鸡喂的都是玉米。The horses were fed on hay and grain.这些马喂以干草和谷物。The drugs fed to animals inhibit their development.喂给动物的药物阻碍了它们的发育。The gains from productivity have fed through to the consumers.生产力的提高对消费者产生了影响。My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money.我母亲为了省钱就用吃剩的东西喂狗。They fed him on biscuits.他们用饼干喂他。She was fed up with being ordered around.她受够了被人呼来唤去。As a movement, it fed off religious naiveté and piety.作为一场运动,它依靠宗教的天真和虔诚壮大起来。I'm fed up with having my work picked to pieces.我的作品被贬得一无是处,我受够了。I'm fed up of all these delays.我受够了所有这些延误了。The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.酗酒与内疚相互助长。I got fed up with having to wear my sister's hand-me-downs.我早就受够了穿姐姐的旧衣服。In the evenings, ducks waddle up to the front door to be fed.傍晚时分,鸭子们摇摇摆摆地来到前门进食。She spoon-fed the baby.她用匙子给婴儿喂食。He tells me he's fed up with school. Maybe that's why his grades have been so bad.他跟我说他讨厌上学,也许这就是他成绩这么差的原因。He took the compact disc from her, then fed it into the player.他从她手里接过光盘,放入播放机中。She bottle-fed both of her babies.她的两个孩子都是喝奶粉长大的。I'm fed up and I don't know what to do.我受够了,不知道该怎么办。She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life.高级法院裁决应强制她进食以挽救她的性命,她对此提起上诉。Breast-fed babies tend to posset less.母乳喂养的婴儿比较少漾奶。There are signs of a slowing down, but that hasn't really fed through yet.虽然有放缓的迹象,但影响还未真正显现出来。We need to do something before everyone gets fed up and quits.在大家都厌烦了要辞职而走之前,我们得做点什么。When you have to stay in and study every night you just get fed up with it.当你每天晚上都得待在家里学习,就会感到厌倦的。I'm fed up with watching what I eat.吃什么都得小心,我感到烦厌了。Meteorological reports are fed into a computer, which helps scientists make accurate predictions about the weather.气象报告输入电脑,这有助于科学家对天气作出准确的预报。She fed the documents into the machine making sure that there were no paper jams.她把文件送进机器,确保没有纸张把机器卡住。I get fed up with other people's greed.我受够了别人的贪婪。Occasionally a patient is so debilitated that he must be fed intravenously.偶尔会有病人过于虚弱,必须通过静脉注射进食。Tom's getting pretty fed up with married life. He never goes out any more.汤姆对婚姻生活感到腻烦了,他再也没法出去玩了。The logs are fed into the mill for processing.原木被送到工厂加工。Premature babies have to be fed intravenously.早产儿必须通过静脉喂食。I got the impression that everyone was fed up with us.我感觉到大家对我们厌烦了。I'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude.我受够了你的钱,也受够了你那一套居高临下的态度。This information is fed back to the patient.这一信息已经反馈给了患者。I am fed up with these crocodile tears over immigrants.我已经受够了这些对移民的假慈悲。He expects to be spoon-fed.他不愿意独立思考问题。Misshapen carrots and potatoes were fed to the pigs.畸形的胡萝卜和马铃薯都喂给猪吃。




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