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词汇 fearful
例句 She was fearful for their safety. 她担心他们的安全。They were fearful that the river would flood.他们担心河水泛滥。People behaved as if they were fearful of committing a faux pas.人们循规蹈矩,似乎惟恐有失检点。I spent a fearful night alone in the woods.我在林子里独自度过了一个恐怖之夜。Administrators are fearful of being typecast in the role of autocrats.行政官员们很怕被人不加区别地一概看作专横独断的角色。Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机。The dialogue consists of sighs, laughter, gibberish, and fearful trembles.对话里时而叹息,时而欢笑,时而叽叽嘎嘎,时而战战兢兢。There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.没有比孤身奋战更可怕的了。He plays the role of a timid and fearful clerk.他演一个胆小怯懦的职员。They won the war but at a fearful cost.他们打赢了这场战争,但代价惨重。I felt fearful for my life.我担心性命不保。She's a fearful gossip.她极爱说闲话。Our artillery opened up and we heard a fearful wailing and screeching.我们的炮弹一发,便听到可怕的哀号声和尖叫声。The boss is surrounded by yes men fearful for their jobs.这位老板的周围全是为了保全自己的工作而唯唯诺诺的人。We were fearful of losing our way in the forest.我们担心在森林里迷路。I had often been very fearful, very angry, and very isolated.我以前经常感到非常恐惧,非常愤怒,非常孤独。I had often been very fearful and very angry.我以前经常感到非常恐惧和愤怒。He suffered fearful hardship in captivity.他在被监禁期间经受了可怕的磨难。Your hair is in such a fearful mess. Have you been shampooing it?你的头发脏乱得可怕。你洗头了吗? The Energy Department, fearful of public reaction, has cancelled its plans to build four new nuclear reactors.能源部因担心会引起公众的不满,取消了兴建四个新的核反应堆的计划。You gave me a fearful shock!你让我大吃一惊。You gave me a fearful shock.你可把我吓坏了。I heard a fearful explosion.我听到一声可怕的爆炸。He was fearful of being left behind. = He was fearful that he would be left behind.他怕被落在后面。He was fearful of seeming impious.他害怕自己看起来不够虔诚。He used to be a fearful and plodding lad.他从前是个胆怯而迈不开步子的孩子。If you are a fearful person, do not wear grey.如果你是个胆小的人,就不要穿灰色衣服。Traditional Unionists are fearful of home rule.传统的统一主义者害怕地方自治。The experience had left her fearful and uncertain.这次经历使她感到恐惧不安。The region is in a fearful recession.该地区处于严重的经济衰退中。People are fearful of rising crime in the area.人们担心这个地区犯罪率上升。He was fearful of every shadow.每一处阴影都让他害怕。Officials are fearful that the demonstrations will cause new violence.官员们担心示威游行会引发新的暴力事件。He was fearful to the extent that he refused to leave his house. 他吓得拒绝离开他的房子。The scheme's investors, fearful of bankruptcy, decided to abandon the project.因为担心破产,该计划的投资者决定放弃这个项目。Pepys was fearful of discontenting his wife.佩皮斯生怕妻子不满。The poem is alternately fearful and hopeful.这首诗时而流露出恐惧,时而流露出希望。She gave up smoking when she was pregnant, fearful that it might damage her baby.她怀孕时担心抽烟会伤害婴儿,于是戒烟了。The threats left her plagued by nightmares, and fearful of making public appearances.这些威胁使她受到恶梦的侵扰,并且不敢公开露面。The room was in a fearful mess.房间里一片狼藉。




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