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词汇 favourable
例句 The conference has produced a political climate that is favourable to a peace settlement.此次会议创造了一个有利于和平解决问题的政治环境。Analysts said the outlook was favourable after stock markets closed on Friday.分析家们说股市星期五收盘后前景乐观。The critics may have hated the film, but the popular verdict was favourable.评论家们也许仇视这部影片,但公众舆论支持它。We welcome any comments from viewers, favourable or otherwise.我们欢迎观众的任何意见,无论是褒是贬。It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being held are too favourable to the government.人们认为举行选举的条件对政府过于有利。Part-time workers should not receive less favourable treatment than full-timers.兼职员工的待遇不应低于全职员工。Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming the weather is favourable.假如风调雨顺,农民将获丰收。Responses to his latest movie have generally been favourable.人们对他的最新影片普遍称赞有加。Reaction to the plan has been generally favourable.对该计划的反映普遍是赞许的。The court's verdict was favourable to their client.法庭的裁决对他们的当事人有利。It's a particularly favourable day for those who have either been unwell or out of sorts recently.对那些近来身体不适或心情不好的人来说,这是特别怡人的一天。He was elated over the favourable reviews of his novel.他因自己的小说获得好评而得意扬扬。That improved Mrs Goole's already favourable opinion of him.那件事更加深了古尔太太对他本来就不错的印象。I heartily agree with her favourable comments on Germany and France.我十分赞同她对德国和法国的好评。She gained a highly favourable impression of the company.这家公司给她的印象非常好。In Switzerland, banks and big companies are favourable to EU membership.在瑞士,银行和大公司都赞同加入欧盟。The situation will develop in a direction favourable to the people.形势将朝着有利于人民的方向发展。We are hoping for a favourable reply from the committee.我们希望该委员会能给一个肯定的答复。This is a favourable time for a trip.这是旅行的好时光。The exchange rate is not very favourable at the moment.当前汇率不太有利。He was desperate to make a favourable impression on General Macarthur.他竭力想给麦克阿瑟将军留下一个好印象。We've already had a lot of favourable comments from customers.我们已经得到顾客的大量好评。Many Americans have a favourable / favorable view of the Democratic nominee.许多美国人对这个民主党候选人持赞成态度。The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems.没有预见到什么经济问题,委员会谨慎地赞同吸收奥地利为会员。His proposals met with a largely favourable response.他的提议得到了广泛支持。We have had a favourable response to the plan so far.到目前为止,关于此计划我们得到的反馈是肯定的。We found that most people were favourable to the idea.我们发现大多数人都赞同这个想法。His recently completed chapel for Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable comment.他最近为菲茨威廉建成的小教堂赢得了好评。Her lawyer wanted to present her in the most favourable light.她的律师想从最有利的方面来介绍她。Is he favourable to the proposal?他赞成这个提议吗?His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions.他能一边飞快地吃东西,一边掷地有声地说话,这给用餐的同伴留下了良好的印象。Prices to sitting tenants are often favourable.对老租户的价格常常比较优惠。Newspaper ads can be helpful in finding the lender with the most favourable interest rates.报纸上的广告可以帮助你找到利率最优惠的贷款人。The plan might work better with more favourable / favorable circumstances.如果客观环境有所改善,这个计划实施起来效果可能更好。They often receive far less favourable treatment than those they work alongside.他们受到的待遇常常比一起工作的同事差很多。I'm prepared to sell it at highly favourable terms.我准备以极优惠的价格把它出售。The prevailing market conditions are not favourable to small investors.现有的市场条件不利于小投资者们。He sounded people out and found the responses favourable.他探了大家的口气,发现反应良好。The proposal has received a generally favourable reaction.人们对这项提议的反应是普遍赞成。His recently completed chapel is attracting favourable comment.他新近设计竣工的小教堂正得到人们的称赞。




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