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词汇 far-flung
例句 Our job is to organize the company's far-flung offices.我们的工作是负责公司外地事务所的业务安排。Families can be far-flung and relatively isolated.一家人有时会天各一方,形单影只。Police sifted for clues in countries as far-flung as America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.警察远赴美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰等国去筛查线索。Email enables far-flung friends to keep in touch.电子邮件让天各一方的朋友保持联络。She has travelled to the most far-flung corners of the world.消息传到我们幅员辽阔的帝国的每个角落。Ferries are a lifeline to the far-flung corners of Scotland.渡船是苏格兰边远地区的生命线。Participants come from nations as far-flung as Iceland and Japan.参加者来自像冰岛和日本这样遥远的国家。




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