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词汇 fare
例句 Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fare to your hotel.带些外币用来支付杂费,比如到旅馆的打的费。He could barely afford the railway fare.他几乎买不起火车票。I'm afraid you will have to pay the full fare.恐怕你得买全票。He couldn't afford the fare; he thumbed his way all over Europe.他付不起车费,于是他搭便车走遍欧洲。I need some money for my bus fare.我需要一点钱乘公共汽车。The taxi driver picked up a fare outside the opera house.出租车司机在歌剧院外面接了一位乘客。You should bring enough money to cover incidentals like cab fare and tips.你应该带上足够的钱,用以支付打的和小费之类的额外费用。"We'll take the bus." "But we don't have any money for the fare." "That's a point."“我们乘公共汽车吧。”“但我们没钱买车票。”“这倒是。”He put Elizabeth's motel bill and air fare on his expense account.他把伊丽莎白的汽车旅店账单和飞机票都记在了自己的开销账簿上。The taxi-driver stopped to pick up a fare.计程车司机停下车来搭载一名乘客。How much is the single fare?单程票多少钱?He got pinched for fare evasion.他因逃票而被捕。How did they fare? Alas, not very well.他们进展如何?唉,不是很好。How much is the train fare from Toronto to Montreal?多伦多到蒙特利尔的火车票多少钱?The passenger haggled over the fare before she got into the taxi.那个乘客跟司机讨价还价,谈好了车费才钻进出租车。Less expensive fare is available at the restaurant across the street.街对面的餐馆提供便宜一些的饭菜。Flights that depart at midnight are referred to as the red-eye flights. Their fare is normally cheaper than those of regular flights.在午夜起飞的航班通称为红眼航班,通常票价比较便宜。The steak was cooked to a fare-thee-well.那块牛排烧得好极了。He paid her fare as an act of chivalry.他很绅士地为她付了车费。This bus driver doesn't carry change, so please have the exact fare ready.这种公共汽车的司机不找零,请自备零钞付费。I saved enough change for the bus fare.我存了足够的零钱来付公交车费。Trials involving celebrities are the daily fare of newspapers.涉及名人的案件审理是报纸的日常素材。The fare will cost you less if you travel midweek.如果你在每周的中间几天出行,票价会便宜些。Items on the menu range from American fare like hamburgers and hot dogs to Italian pasta dishes.菜单上的食物种类从汉堡包和热狗一类美式食品到意大利面食应有尽有。I had to walk home because I didn't have enough money for the fare.我只好走回家去,因为带的钱不够付车费。Children will be thrilled to find such simple fare as macaroni and cheese on the menu.孩子们在菜单上看到像意大利通心面和干酪这样简单的食品会很兴奋的。He took his train fare out before turning in the rest of the money.他把火车票款扣除之后将余额上缴。She didn't have enough money for the bus fare.她的钱不够付车费。By the time you've paid so much for the ferry and so much for the train fare, it would be cheaper to go by plane.到头来你为船费和火车费付了那么多钱,还不如坐飞机便宜呢。I always made sure I had the taxi fare home at night.我总是确保自己身上有晚上打车回家的车费。I managed to bum the train fare off my dad.我设法从父亲那里要到了火车票钱。They could hardly scrape up enough money for the train fare.他们几乎连火车票的钱都凑不齐。How did you fare on your exam?你考试考得怎么样?Many parents dislike the violent fare on television.许多家长都不喜欢电视中的暴力内容。I need some coins for the bus fare.我需要几个硬币买公共汽车票。What you actually receive is net of deductions for the air fare and administration.你实际上得到的是除去机票和管理费的净值。The band's music was standard rock fare.这支乐队的音乐是标准的摇滚风格。There was enough put by for her fare.存的钱足够付她的机票钱。The airline has introduced a cheap fare to New York.这家航空公司推出飞往纽约的一种廉价机票。He screwed out half a pound for the taxi fare.他很不情愿地拿出半英镑来付出租汽车费。




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