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词汇 fancy
例句 We stayed at some fancy hotel in the centre of London.我们住在伦敦市中心的某家豪华饭店里。The dinner they served wasn't fancy, but we went home well-fed.他们准备的晚宴不算丰盛,但我们还是吃得饱饱地回了家。She stopped to examine the exhibit that struck her fancy.她停下来细看那件引起她兴趣的展览品。She put on a fancy red dress.她穿上一件很漂亮的红色连衣裙。So you fancy yourself as the boss someday?.这么说,你是想有一天自己当上老板喽?The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.展品吸引了参观者。She took a fancy to the stray dog. 她喜欢上了那只流浪狗。Children usually have a lively fancy.儿童往往有丰富的想象力。He has enough money to indulge himself when the fancy takes him.他只要喜欢,就不怕没钱来纵情享受。Mr Hill took a real fancy to Clara.希尔先生深深地爱上了克拉拉。It might have been her fancy that he sounded almost rueful.也许他听起来几乎懊悔的口气只是她的胡思乱想。Many of the marathon runners compete in fancy dress.许多马拉松选手身着奇装异服参加比赛。I'm looking for a hobby that doesn't require a lot of fancy equipment.我正在寻找一种不需要很多复杂设备的爱好。He made a superbly cinematic entrance into the lobby of the fancy London hotel.他高调地走进伦敦这家豪华大酒店的大堂,就像电影里拍的那样。Mr Blair, I fancy, considers himself a strong prime minister.我以为,布莱尔先生认为自己是个很强的首相。Do you fancy a cup of tea? I'm dying of thirst.你想喝杯茶吗?我都快渴死了。The local people made fancy straw hats for sale.当地居民制作花式草帽出售。The England keeper revealed some fancy footwork in the victory over Nottingham Forest.这位英格兰队守门员在战胜诺丁汉森林队的那场比赛中展现了出色的脚法。It's a fancy new car, and a sports car at that.这是辆高级的新车,而且还是辆跑车。You'd think a fancy restaurant like this would have better service.你会以为像这样的豪华餐馆会有更好的服务。I don't fancy living in that cold house.我不想住在那所冰冷的房子里。I quite fancy the idea of lazing around.我很喜欢懒散地过日子。I don't fancy their chances against Brazil.我觉得他们胜巴西队的机会很渺茫。Laura's taken a fancy to Japanese food.劳拉喜欢上了日本料理。Someone else has already taken her fancy.另一个人已经得到她的欢心了。What do you fancy doing, anyway?.你到底想干什么?The store sells fancy fresh fruits.这商店出售特级鲜果。I can't do all that fancy stuff on the computer.我应付不了计算机上那些复杂的东西。Critics have dismissed his plan as mere fancy.评论家们认为他的计划纯属幻想,拒绝考虑。I like simple food better than fancy dishes.比起精美的菜肴,我更喜欢平常的食物。You look like a real poseur in your fancy sports car!坐在昂贵的赛车里,你看起来真够招摇的!Everyone knows you fancy Sara. Why don't you ask her out?人人都知道你喜欢萨拉,为什么不约她出来呢?What shall we do food-wise - do you fancy going out to eat?我们吃什么——你想出去吃吗?She admitted a fleeting fancy for Jason.她承认曾有那么一瞬间对贾森产生过爱意。Francine has taken a fancy to you.弗朗辛看上你了。She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy.她相信这不过是他一时兴起。The idea of playing a joke on her tickled his fancy.跟她开个玩笑的想法引起了他的兴趣。He always shows up in a fancy car.他总是乘坐一辆奢华轿车露面。But for me, parachuting was no passing fancy.但是对我来说,跳伞可不是一时的兴趣。A fancy hotel is not necessary; I'd be content with a warm meal and a clean place to sleep.豪华宾馆就不必了。能吃上一顿热饭,有个干净地方睡觉,我就满足了。




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