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例句 And I'll leave a message for Kenny to make the pick-up first thing in the morning.我会给肯尼留个条,让他早上先去接人。He had asked her once again about her finances. And again she had equivocated.他又一次询问她的财务状况,她再次含糊其词。And however unoriginal, it may be no idle conceit to suppose that today things have gotten worse.尽管没什么新意,但认为现在世风日下这一观点可能并非毫无意义。With the new artists, you see a more dynamic stage show than you used to see. And again, that's probably part of the progress of technology.有了这些新艺术家,你看到的舞台剧会比你以前看的更富有活力。同样,那也可能是科技进步的一部分。He insulted me, so I hit him. And I'd do it again.他侮辱了我,我就打了他。我不后悔这么做。And who should turn up at the ceremony but John!约翰竟然出现在仪式现场!And the best of it is, his eagerness to help was not appreciated.而最妙的是,尽管他非常想帮上一点忙,人家却并不领情。And finally, a word about the winner and runner-up.最后,来谈一谈冠亚军。And now she's chosen to live in Alaska, of all places!现在她决定住在阿拉斯加,怎么偏偏在这个地方!Thank you all for your hard work. And now, here's to another successful year!感谢大家的辛勤工作。现在,让我们为来年事业兴旺发达干杯!And if the President doesn't make things better, other voters say, we'll vote him out, too.其他选民说,如果总统不能使情况有所好转,他们也会投票把他赶下台去。And now I'd like to introduce our next speaker, Mrs Thompson.现在我想介绍下一位发言人汤普森夫人。And now, add it all up and tell me how much I owe you.好,把货款加起来,告诉我一共该付你多少钱。And this young lady is my niece, Erika.这位小姐是我侄女,埃里卡。Edmond prosed on. And on.埃德蒙唠叨个不停。He's a grandfather for the first time. And he's over the moon about it.他第一次做祖父,真乐坏了。And the problem is that they take exception to any kind of noise whatsoever.而且问题在于他们不能容忍任何形式的噪音。To start with, our civilization is older than yours. And how! We've been around since the beginning of recorded time.首先,我们的文明比你们的悠久,不仅如此,我们的文明打从有历史记载的时候起就开始了。And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white.朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。And you say she's opening your letters now? Oh, that really takes the biscuit!你说她在拆你的信?啊,这可真令人难以置信!We decided not to go out that night. And it was a good thing too, because we had a big snowstorm.我们那晚决定不出去了。那可是明智的决定,因为正赶上大暴风雪。And when he smiled, he melted even my heart.他微笑时甚至可以融化我的心。And another thing, why didn't you tell me you were going out?还有,当时你为什么不告诉我你要出去?They know how to control, restrict and, if need be, throttle access, important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television. And if you don't play the game, you're toast.他们知道怎样控制、限制信息获取途径,而且如果需要,还会将其完全阻断,而这些途径对报纸来说很重要,对广播、电视更是极其关键。如果你不遵守游戏规则,你就完蛋了。And what, we may ask parenthetically, does it mean?我们想顺带问一句,这是什么意思?And then, you must remember to write me on your arrival.还有,你一定要记住,到达后就写信给我。And trust me not at all or all in all.要么一点也不相信我,要么完全相信我。And here's Martin Amis to talk about his latest novel.下面请马丁·埃米斯谈谈他最新出版的小说。Gas is a very efficient fuel. And what's more, it's clean.天然气是一种很有效的燃料,而且还清洁。And finally, I'd like to thank the crew.最后,我要感谢全体工作人员。And at the beginning, I didn't quite understand what all this was about.我起初不太明白这一切究竟是怎么回事。And last, I'd like to consider the economic aspect.最后,我想讨论一下经济方面的问题。And if anybody told the secrets, he must have his throat cut and then have his carcass burnt up.如果有人泄密,就必须被割喉焚尸。And why did you choose Iceland for a holiday, of all places?那么多的地方,你为什么偏偏要去冰岛度假?And all this praise just because the poor man has died - doesn't it strike you as a bit insincere?所有这些赞扬仅仅是因为这可怜的人已经去世了——你不觉得这有点虚伪吗?And you can stop that quarrelling, the pair of you.你们两个,别吵了。And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk.大家不要忘记,爱因斯坦最有影响力的论文还是当文员的时候写的。And so, to answer your question, that's why your mother is disappointed.现在可以回答你的问题了,你母亲失望的原因就在这里。And of course that was all my eye, because everyone knew that there was going to be a war.那当然是胡说八道,因为每个人都清楚战争即将开始。And now she was getting bad school reports.现在她的学习成绩越来越差。




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