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词汇 fall asleep
例句 A few whiffs of this gas and she'll fall asleep.这种气体吸进几口她就会睡着。A witch casts a spell on the children, who fall asleep.一个女巫对这些孩子施了魔咒,孩子们就睡着了。Jack fought the urge to fall asleep.杰克与强烈的睡意作斗争。The typewriter was rattling away so loudly that we could not fall asleep.打字机嗒嗒地响个不停,吵得人不能入睡。My dad's so predictable - every evening he comes home, has two beers, and falls asleep in front of the TV.我爸爸总是这副样子—每天晚上回到家里,喝两杯啤酒,就在电视机前睡着了。I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep.我彻夜辗转反侧,无法入睡。He likes the parquet floor in his office very much, to the extent that he would fall asleep on the parquet floor when he gets tired from working overtime.他很喜欢办公室的拼花地板。加班时累了就倒地就睡。Narcolepsy refers to a disorder whereby a man can fall asleep anywhere and anytime without a good reason.猝睡症是指一个人可以莫明其妙地随时随地睡著。Everyday around midnight, she could not fall asleep because of a severe migraine.她每到三更半夜就会因为偏头痛而睡不著。Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off?你是头一靠着枕头就能入睡呢,还是要翻来覆去好几个小时才能睡着?She drowsed, but did not quite fall asleep.她打个盹,没全睡着。Duvets and pillows will be provided for codgers who fall asleep playing dominoes.将会给玩多米诺骨牌时睡着的老家伙们提供羽绒被和枕头。A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep.疲倦而又无聊使我昏昏入睡。Dad always falls asleep in front of the TV after Sunday lunch.星期天吃过午饭后,爸爸总是在电视机前睡着。As we fall asleep the amplitude of brain waves slowly becomes greater.进入睡眠状态时,我们的脑电波振幅慢慢变大。He climbed up on the top bunk and tried to fall asleep.他爬到上铺想睡觉。Create a relaxing bedroom environment to de-stress you and help you fall asleep.营造轻松的卧室环境可使自己放松,有助于睡眠。Poor sleepers take longer to fall asleep than good sleepers.与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。After changing the bed, I would fall asleep quickly.换了床单后我会很快入睡。




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