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词汇 fairy
例句 In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince.童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。Her books are often based on folklore and fairy-tales.她的书常常以民间传说和神话故事为创作基础。The fairy tale has a pull on their imagination.这童话激发着他们的想象力。The mother often told her children fairy tales and stories from folklore.这位母亲经常给她的孩子们讲童话和民间传说的故事。The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale.故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为神奇的童话。German fairy stories retold in English用英语复述的德国童话故事The production is a modern staging of the fairy tale "Cinderella".这部剧是童话故事《灰姑娘》的现代版。Everything he told us about his happy marriage was just a fairy tale.他给我们讲的有关他的幸福婚姻其实全都是谎言。She's talking about buying an old castle in Ireland. It all sounds a bit airy-fairy to me.她说要在爱尔兰买一座古堡。可我觉得她说的这些有点儿不切实际。She was like a princess in a fairy tale.她就像童话中的公主。The princess in the fairy tale had long silken hair.童话故事里的公主有着如丝般顺滑的长发。He swore he could conjure a fairy princess from the glass, but we all laughed.他发誓他能用符咒从那面镜子里召来仙女公主,可我们都笑了起来。He looked like some giant from a fairy story.他看上去像童话故事里的巨人。The woman I regarded as my fairy godmother was Sybil. She was wonderful to me.我心目中的女恩人就是西比尔,她对我特别好。The magician in the fairy story turned the woman into a toad.童话里的巫师把那妇人变为癞蛤蟆。Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper.据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫儿。Their marriage is a real-life fairy tale. 他们的婚姻就是现实版的童话故事。To everyone who has ever heard a fairy tale, the image of being lost in a deep, dark wood is unforgettable.对任何一个听过神话故事的人来讲,在黑暗的密林中迷了路是一个难以忘怀的印象。The play brings the old fairy tale alive.这部剧让古老的童话故事更加生动有趣。Sadly, there was no fairy-tale happy ending to the story.不幸的是,故事并没有童话般的幸福结局。It ruined their perfect fairy-tale romance.这葬送了他们童话般的美满罗曼史。It was all a fairy story.那些都是骗人的。One of the more gushing newspapers described the occasion as "a fairy-tale wedding".有些报纸更是夸大其词,其中一家把这一婚庆活动描述为“童话般的婚礼”。Does the tooth fairy really exist?真的有牙仙吗?You'd think he could bung up a few fairy lights on the back deck, but no.你还以为他会在屋后门台上挂几盏小彩灯,但是他没有。But at least the lad was studying, and engineering what's more, not some airy-fairy nonsense.不过至少这个小伙子是在学习,学的还是工程学,而不是什么不中用的东西。She was a fairy godmother to her poorer friends.她经常接济那些手头拮据的朋友。The writer takes well-known fairy tales and gives them an ironic twist.作者运用讽刺手法对家喻户晓的童话故事进行了新的诠释。There were fairy cakes and cream puffs.有小仙人松糕和奶油泡芙。The fairy's magic changed the two brothers into swans.仙子用魔法将两兄弟变成了天鹅。In fairy stories the Prince is always very handsome, and the witch hideous.在童话故事里,王子总是英俊潇洒,女巫则容貌丑陋。That's a fairy story about a wizard.那是讲一个男巫的童话。This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.这部影片是对中世纪一则神话故事的最新演绎。The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy tale.这个故事从哥特式悲剧升华为神奇童话。For her birthday party, they had dressed her up as a fairy.为了她的生日聚会,他们已把她打扮成仙女。Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生的童话故事The crowd cheered on the unknown Tunisian, hoping for a fairy-tale ending to the race.观众为那个并不出名的突尼斯人加油鼓劲,期待比赛有一个出人意料的结局。To him she is a fairy.对他而言,她是一位仙女。A beautiful fairy danced near him, and he reached out to catch her, but caught only her handkerchief.一个美丽的仙子在他身旁跳舞,他伸出手去抓她,但是只抓到她的手绢。The idea sounded a bit airy-fairy.这个想法听起来有些不切实际。




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