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词汇 fair
例句 They set sail the next morning with a fair wind.第二天早上,他们顺风扬帆出发了。I spent a fair bit of time finding directions.我花了不少时间才找到了路。At the end of the fair, the school let go of hundreds of balloons.游园会结束之时,学校里放飞了几百个气球。It rained a fair bit during the night.夜里雨下得相当大。Initially the venture enjoyed a fair amount of success.最初,该企业相当成功。This seemed to be a fair summing-up of the general consensus of opinion.这似乎是对普遍共识的一个恰当总结。It was a fair fight and Stephen won.这是一场公平的打斗,斯蒂芬赢了。Life is not always fair.生活并非总是公平的。That's not fair - it puts me at a disadvantage!那不公平—对我很不利!She is organizing next year's book fair.她正在筹备明年的书展。We've had a fair number of complaints about the new phone system.我们接到不少对新电话系统的投诉。Sometimes life isn't fair.有时生活是不公平的。The odds are stacked against civilians getting a fair trial.平民难以得到公正的审判。We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds.我们需要一个愿意争取应得资金的好经理。If someone is being hypocritical then it is fair to expose that.如果有人虚伪矫饰,那就应该暴露他的真面目。That seems fair to all sides.那似乎对每一方都公平。The election was in every sense fair.这次选举不管从什么意义说都是公正的。It's not fair to have a dog if you're out at work all day.如果你整天在外工作,那么养狗就很不妥当了。We negotiated a fair price/contract.我们通过谈判达成了公平的价格/合同。We're banking on fair weather for the trip.我们指望旅游时有好天气。She's got long fair hair but she's got a veil over it.她有一头金色的长发,但她用头巾包住了。Summer sun can burn fair skin in minutes.夏天的太阳几分钟就能把白皙的皮肤晒黑。Women don't always get a fair shake in business.女性在工作上并不是总能获得公平的待遇。The courts ruled that the company are entitled to make a fair profit.庭审判定该公司有权赚取合理的利润。Is this fair? Well, I put that question today to Deputy Counsel Craig Gillen.这公平吗?我今天向副顾问克雷格·吉伦提出这个问题。She played left-handed to give her opponent a fair chance.她用左手进行比赛以给对手一个较为公平的机会。The financial burden ought to be borne fair and square by the government.这种财政负担应完全由政府承担。We leant over backwards to make sure that candidates from minority groups were given a fair chance.我们竭尽全力确保来自少数派团体的候选人得到公平的机会。The signs suggest that the elections will be non-violent and fair.种种迹象表明选举将会是非暴力的、公正的。Come on, fair's fair. It's your turn to mind the kids.好啦,做人也得讲公道。该轮到你带孩子了。The other bidders for the contract complained that it had not been a fair contest.其他竞标人抱怨该合同的竞标不公平。To be fair, she never claimed she'd be able to do it.说句公道话,她从未宣称自己能做得到。The demonstrators were demanding guarantees for fair elections.示威者要求确保选举公正。The organization promotes fair trade with developing countries.该组织促进与发展中国家的公平贸易。Milligan gives a fair summary of his subject within a relatively short space.米利根用比较小的篇幅对他的课题作了一个清晰简要的概述。Outside observers said the election was free and fair.外面的观察家说此次大选自由而公正。Researchers now know a fair amount about the earliest humans.研究人员现在对原始人类有了相当多的了解。I can guarantee he will get a prompt and fair hearing.我可以保证他会得到及时、公正的审讯。We rode the merry-go-round at the town fair.我们在镇子的集市上骑旋转木马玩。Kelson has a reputation as a fair and compassionate judge.凯尔森享有公正有同情心的法官的声誉。




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