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词汇 eyebrows
例句 The cook was short and squat, with thick eyebrows and a slight moustache.厨师又矮又胖,眉毛粗黑,留了一撮稀疏的小胡子。There was a slight arch to her eyebrows.她微皱着眉头。I'm absolutely up to my eyebrows in work.我的工作实在是忙得不可开交。He raised his eyebrows sceptically.他眉毛上挑,一副质疑的样子。She drew her eyebrows together in a frown of concentration.她紧皱眉头,一副全神贯注的表情。Her eyebrows arched in contempt.她蔑视地挑起双眉。He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.他疑惑地皱起眉头。The flames flared up and singed his eyebrows.火焰突然旺起来,把他的眉毛都烧焦了。She darkened her eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil.她用眉笔把眉毛描黑。His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise.他惊讶地扬起浓黑的眉毛。Hawk's thick black eyebrows hooded his eyes.霍克浓密的黑眉毛遮住了他的眼睛。His eyebrows rose in mock surprise.他扬起眉毛,假装吃惊的样子。He raised his eyebrows over some of the suggestions.他对其中的一些建议表示反对。She spent hours in front of the mirror, plucking her eyebrows.她花了几个小时在镜子前修眉。He was looking at her with his eyebrows raised questioningly.他皱着眉,狐疑地看着她。Have you ever had your eyebrows threaded?你有没有用长细线修过眉毛?You've plucked your eyebrows at last!你终于修了眉毛!She arched her eyebrows in surprise.她惊讶地竖起眉毛。He has very bushy eyebrows.他的眉毛很浓密。Jemma's miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting.杰玛穿超短裙去参加董事会会议,令众人惊讶不已。The strong dark eyebrows give his face an oddly menacing look.两道乌黑的眉毛让他的脸看起来异常凶狠。Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners.把你的眉毛修剪得越往外眼角越细。Sally spent hours getting ready, plucking her eyebrows and painting her nails.萨莉花了几个小时作准备,又拔眉毛又涂指甲的。She raised her eyebrows in mock amazement.她皱起眉头假装显得大为惊奇。There were a lot of raised eyebrows at the news of the prince's suicide.王子自杀的消息使众人深感惊讶。She was plucking her eyebrows with tweezers.她在用小镊子拔眉毛。He raised his eyebrows in a quizzical arc.他扬起双眉,做出一副疑问的表情。Blanche raised her eyebrows in surprise.布兰奇吃惊地扬起眉毛。The band's new sound will raise some eyebrows.乐队的新风格将会使一些人吃惊。She had this trick of raising her eyebrows at the end of a question.她有一个习惯,每次提问完了总要扬一下眉毛。Raise a few eyebrows by stepping out in these tiny shorts this summer.今年夏天穿上这条超短裤出门,让别人惊讶去吧。She raised her eyebrows comically.她滑稽地扬起眉毛。Her eyebrows were arched in supercilious surprise.大吃一惊的她高傲地扬起了眉毛。He raised his eyebrows in mock disbelief.他故作怀疑地皱起了眉头。He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.他不相信地竖起了眉毛。The flames were hot enough to singe your eyebrows.火焰很烫,会燎到你的眉毛。She waxes her eyebrows/legs.她用热蜡脱去了眉毛/腿毛。She raised her eyebrows in reproof.她竖起眉毛,满含责备。Can you go like this with your eyebrows? 你能像这样动眉毛吗?Roger waggled his eyebrows suggestively.罗杰暗示性地扬了扬眉。




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