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词汇 Extra
例句 Extra police officers were brought in, although in the event the demonstration passed off peacefully.虽然又增派了警察,但结果示威游行进行得很平静。Extra troops have been brought in, and riot police are on standby.更多的部队奉召到场,防暴警察也在待命出动。Extra police have been moved into the area to counter the risk of violence.加派了警察进驻该地区以镇压可能出现的暴力事件。Extra security staff were in position, stationed among the crowd.增设的安保人员都已就位,安排在人群当中。Extra buses were laid on.提供了加车。Extra safety precautions are essential in homes where older people live.在有老人的家里,采取额外的安全防范措施是绝对必要的。Extra police officers were drafted in.调用了额外的警力。Extra staff were drafted in to deal with the Christmas rush.增派了员工去应付圣诞营业高峰。Extra funding would be targeted on fuel-poor households. 对能源贫困的家庭将提供针对性的额外资助。Extra staff have been taken on to cover busy periods.额外雇用了一些员工来应付繁忙时期。Extra pay or no extra pay, I'm not going to work late again tonight.不管有没有加班费,今晚我都不打算再工作到很晚。Extra troops were usually a sign of an impending attack.派遣增援部队通常是即将发动进攻的迹象。Extra police have been drafted into the town after the violence.暴乱过后又有警力被抽调到了该镇。Extra work? I need that like I need a hole in the head.额外的工作?我才不想干呢。Extra blankets had thoughtfully been provided.他们考虑很周到,提供了额外的毛毯。Extra beds can be brought into use at times of peak demand.在需求最旺的时期可以使用加床。Extra police were called in to quell the disturbance.增加了警力来平定骚乱。Extra hands were set on to the job.额外的人手被指派来干这活儿。Extra staff had been put on duty.已安排更多的员工值班。Extra guards were posted at the border crossing.边界的交叉口处增派了几名卫兵站岗。Extra safety precautions are essential.额外安全预防措施至关重要。Extra funding may be available in certain circumstances.在某些情况下可能会有额外的资金。Extra buses are being laid on for late-night shoppers.特意为深夜购物者加开了几班公共汽车。Extra information will be found at the bottom of the page.补充信息见这一页的最下面。Extra payments should be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent exploitation.为了保护员工的利益,防止剥削,应该要求公司支付额外工资。Extra journalists have been sent to the main trouble spots.又有一些记者被派到了主要的动乱地区。Extra large eggs are generally a better buy than medium or large.一般来说,买特大号鸡蛋比买中号或大号的合算。Extra boiling water should be kept at hand just in case it is needed.应该多准备些开水在身边,预防口渴。Extra police officers have been drafted in to search for evidence.已经增派了警力来寻找证据。Extra buses are being put on to cope with the demand.正在增开公交车应对需求。Eggs are classified by weight as Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Peewee.鸡蛋按重量分类成特大、大、中等、小和特小。




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