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词汇 清晰
例句 With the modification of his anger he could think clearly again.他的怒气渐消,又能清晰地思考了。I had seen the sharp fresh footprints in the snow.我看到了雪地里那些新留下来的清晰脚印。This illuminates our minds and gives us luminous thoughts.这启发了我们的思维,使我们有了清晰的想法。With the introduction of independent taxation, a married woman's position is much clearer.独立税收制度的推行使已婚妇女的地位更加清晰History could be defined as a coherent account of an event.历史可以被定义为是对历史事件的清晰论述。The child articulated a series of sounds.孩子清晰地发出一系列的音。The movie contains scenes of explicit violence.影片包含清晰的暴力镜头。Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view.几乎在所有的座位上都可以看到完整清晰的画面。I distinctly remember being told that my father was away on a long business trip.清晰地记得,有人告诉我爸爸是长期出差去了。The report gave a clear picture of the property's condition.这份报告清晰地描述了该项房地产的情况。The wording of the policy is written clearly and unambiguously.那项政策用词清晰、明确。She writes very clearly.她的字写得很清晰All these memories of Judith are still fresh in my mind.所有这些有关朱迪思的记忆在我心中仍很清晰Give your brows extra definition with an eyebrow pencil.用眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。The ugly scene in the study was still etched in her mind.书房里丑陋的一幕在她脑海中依旧清晰These statistics paint a clear picture of how the population is aging.这些统计数据清晰地展现了人口老龄化的过程。The outline of the ship became more distinct.船的轮廓变得更加清晰了。The child produced a series of articulate sounds.小孩发出了一连串清晰的声音。The picture was of such clarity that it could have been a photograph.这幅画那么清晰,简直可以当成照片了。An aerial photograph of the field shows clearly where the buildings were.这一场地的航拍照片清晰地显示出这些建筑物的位置。He sang in a clear beautiful soprano.他用清晰而漂亮的高音歌唱。Directions are usually clearer and more concise in the imperative.指令使用祈使语气通常会更清晰、更简洁。The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science.这本书清晰而扼要地介绍了科学界的一些主要争议。One of my most vivid memories is of my first day at school.我最清晰的记忆之一是我上学第一天的情形。Ben articulates so clearly for a two-year-old.本作为一个两岁的孩子说话发音很清晰All meat should be clearly labelled with its country of origin.所有的肉类都要清晰地标示出原产国。To satisfy vistors’ curiosity, park officials have prepared maps on which the historical sites are clearly marked.为满足游客的好奇心,公园管理人员制备了地图,上面清晰地标示出各古迹的地点。The band's third album seems more disciplined and focussed.这个乐队的第三张专辑似乎表现更为节制、基调更为清晰Can you look back and see a well-defined path, or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure?.回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?The trip to China stood out in my memory.中国之行清晰地映在我的记忆中。The lecture sharpened my understanding of the topic.讲座使我对这个题目有了更清晰的理解。In this photograph, the figures are more sharply defined.在这幅照片中,图像显现得更为清晰The situation made her unable to speak intelligibly.当时的情况使她不能够清晰地讲话。The path to peace seems at last to be clear, although it may be a long and tortuous one.通向和平的路径好像终于清晰起来,虽然它可能是一条漫长而曲折的道路。You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.可以使用黄色滤光器让模糊的视野更加清晰He woke to see their two heads clearly silhouetted against his window.他醒来时看到窗户上清晰地映出他俩脑袋的轮廓。The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible.公司必须使其账目与运作尽可能地清晰透明。Becky could still recall that first meeting clearly.贝姬还能清晰地记起初次见面的情景。The layout should be clear and easy on the eye.版式应该清晰悦目。The telltale sound of an incoming shell was heard.清晰地听到炮弹正呼啸而来。




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