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词汇 extinguished
例句 Someone had extinguished the lights in the kitchen.有人把厨房的灯关了。He extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray.他在烟灰缸里把香烟掐灭。Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.乘客应系好安全带直到警示灯熄灭。They ruthlessly extinguished all resistance.他们残酷地消灭了所有抵抗力量。The message extinguished her hopes of Richard's return.那条消息使她对理查德归来的希望彻底破灭。The heavy rain extinguished the conflagration.大雨扑灭了这场大火。All hope was almost extinguished.所有的希望都快要破灭了。The storm extinguished their last hope for rescue.风暴使他们最后的获救希望破灭了。Hope for his safe arrival was slowly extinguished.对他平安到达的希望慢慢地破灭了。The last flicker of hope seemed to have been extinguished.最后一线希望好像也破灭了。She seems extinguished by her sister in dancing.在舞蹈方面她的妹妹似乎使她相形见绌。The lights are extinguished as soon as the news conference is over.新闻发布会一结束,灯光就熄灭了。His life was finally extinguished by the onset of pneumonia.他生命之火终于因肺炎的侵袭而被掐灭了。News of the conflict extinguished our hopes for a peaceful resolution.发生冲突的消息使我们和平解决的希望破灭。




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