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词汇 expressive
例句 His art is deeply expressive of emotions.他的艺术作品表现出强烈的情感。He had a mobile, expressive, animated face.他有一张多变的,富于表情的,生动活泼的脸。He had a quiet but expressive voice.他的声音很温和,但富于表现力。Its history is expressive of the character and development of the people who possess it.它的历史体现了其拥有者的性格特征和发展过程。He would use his expressive face to bring the stories to life.他会运用他那表情丰富的脸把故事讲得栩栩如生。She had long, slender expressive hands, like a concert pianist.她有一双修长、富有表现力的手,就像音乐会上的钢琴家。A baby's cry can be expressive of hunger or pain.婴儿的啼哭可能是表示饥饿或疼痛。Its history is expressive of the character of the people who possess it.它的历史体现了其拥有者的性格特征。Her poem is expressive of calm days and peace of mind.她的诗歌体现了静谧的时光以及平和的心境。She has very expressive features. 她(面部)表情丰富。He gave me an expressive nod.他向我意味深长地点了点头。She has an unusually expressive face.她的脸部表情特别丰富。Perhaps all his poems were really love poems, expressive of love for someone.也许他所有的诗歌其实都是爱情诗,表现了对某个人的爱。She is a wonderful actress, with striking, expressive features.她是位出色的演员,容貌动人,表情丰富。A baby's cry may be expressive of hunger or pain.婴儿的啼哭可能表示饥饿或疼痛。He gave an expressive shudder when asked to hold the snake.当要他拿着那条蛇时,他吓得直发抖。It is amazing how expressive she makes each note sound.她让每个音符听起来都抒发思想感情,令人惊叹。The final movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is expressive of joy.贝多芬第九交响乐的最后乐章表现出了欢乐。His early paintings were light, expressive compositions.他的早期绘画色彩柔和,富有表现力。His work is expressive of his personality. 他的作品表现了他的个性。Lehr tries to help her students understand that theater is an expressive art form.莱尔试图让学生明白,戏剧是一种表现艺术形式。The letter was expressive of his sincere regret.这封信表达了他诚挚的歉意。You can train people to be more expressive.可以训练人们使其更具表现力。These paintings can't compete in expressive power with those ones.这些水彩画在表达能力方面比不上那些。She has a wonderfully expressive voice.她有一副非常有表现力的嗓音。Garland's prose is economical and expressive.加兰的散文既简洁又富于表现力。Robyn had the more mobile, more expressive face.罗宾有一张更加善变、表情更加丰富的脸。




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