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例句 Harry's closed expression did not invite further comment.哈里那种旁若无人的表情并没有招致更多的议论。This abortion of a bridge inspired only disgust.这座畸形的桥梁只会招致人们的厌恶。The government officer committed an impeachable offence.那位政府官员犯了可能招致弹劾的罪行。There is a lot of criticism of the new law and a number of politicians are beginning to take notice.这项新制定的法律招致了许多批评,一些政治家已经开始注意到了。Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.专家们以该国为例,说明侵犯人权有可能招致国际干预。Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion.情感的流露会招致猜疑。Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers.这种政策必然会招致农场主的强烈抵制。Most governments know that we're heading for an environmental catastrophe but they shut their eyes to it.大多数政府明明知道我们将招致环境灾难,但他们对此却置若罔闻。The government's action has brought widespread condemnation from teachers.政府的这一行动招致了教师们的广泛谴责。It was precisely his style and character which were most strongly and woundingly criticized.正是他的风格和个性招致了最严厉、最不留情面的批评。His dissent from his family's religious beliefs caused a lot of ill-feeling.他与家人宗教信仰的分歧招致了许多猜忌。The government has come in for fierce criticism over its handling of this affair.政府处理这一事件的方法招致了猛烈的批评。The Almeida Theatre's recent staging of the opera had critics foaming at the mouth.阿尔梅达剧院最近上演的歌剧招致评论家大加贬斥。His comments provoked a barrage of criticism.他的评论招致接二连三的批评。Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.里根因为穷兵黩武招致国际反感。Any attempts to impose a solution would be quite likely to meet with even more violence.试图强制推行解决方案很有可能会招致更严重的暴力行为。The principal stirred up a hornet's nest by changing the rules at school.校长修改了校规,招致师生公愤。The coach began to wobble when some of his team selections provoked much baffled comment.当一些队员的入选招致许多不解的非议时,教练开始动摇了。His policies invited widespread criticism.他的政策招致了广泛的批评。The senator's speech produced an angry response from the opposition.参议员的发言招致了反对派愤怒的抨击。This comment was doubly unfortunate for Bob as he lost friends and further antagonized enemies.这批评让鲍勃里外不是人,因为他既失去了朋友又招致敌人更多的怨恨。Such behaviour can only reflect discredit upon you.这种行为只会给你招致耻辱。The award is a useful counter to the bad publicity she previously had attracted.这个奖励对扭转她之前招致的坏名声很有用。My imprudent utterances displeased her.我的鲁莽言论招致她的不悦。He courted disaster by getting mixed up with criminal types.他因与犯罪分子鬼混而招致灾祸。His words secured his father's displeasure.他的话招致他父亲的不悦。There are warnings that the xenophobic practices of UK companies are costing business and jobs.有人警告说,英国公司排外的做法正在招致生意损失和职位流失。Opponents say the government's policy is a disaster waiting to happen. 反对派人士说,政府的政策将招致灾祸。Her talk brought a strong rejoinder from one of her opponents.她的谈话招致一名对手的强烈反驳。Her comment brought forth a torrent of angry letters.她的评论招致大量愤怒指责的信件潮水般涌来。Violence begets more violence.暴力招致更多的暴力。His business methods have attracted plenty of unfavourable comments.他的商业手段已招致许多异议。He lays/makes himself open to criticism with his foolish remarks.他因自己愚蠢的言论而招致各方的批评。The government's decision has provoked an attack from leaders of the health service.政府的决定招致了医疗卫生部门领导的指责。Mere privity to a crime may involve legal penalties.哪怕是秘密参与犯罪都可能招致法律制裁。The proposed merger is drawing fire from all sides.合并提议招致各方的猛烈抨击。If he attended a party without his wife, it set off a storm of speculation.如果他没和妻子一块儿出席宴会,便会招致各种猜测满天飞。He tried to calm them, but was greeted with shouts of derision.他试图让他们平静下来,但却招致他们大声的嘲笑。He had earned their lasting enmity.招致他们长期的敌视。Their refusal to compromise will invite more criticism.他们这样拒绝妥协将会招致更多批评。




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