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词汇 exile
例句 She prefers to stay in detention rather than be released and go into exile.她更愿意呆在拘留所而不是被释放然后开始流亡生活。He is living in exile in Egypt.他在埃及过着流亡生活。The king's people accompanied him in exile.国王遭流放时御前人员陪其同往。Many spent decades in prison or in internal exile.许多人在监狱或国内流放中度过几十个年头。For many years she lived in exile in France.她在法国过了许多年的流放生活。He's chosen self-exile in preference to harassment.他宁可远走他乡而不愿遭受骚扰。He begged the judge to revoke his doom of exile.他恳求法官撤销将他流放的判决。The deposed king will set up a government in exile.这位被废黜的国王将成立流亡政府。He is now living in exile in Egypt.他目前流亡埃及。Dante died in exile from Florence.但丁在离开佛罗伦萨的流放中去世。She is living as a tax exile in Monaco.她住在摩纳哥以避税。Malcolm continued to fight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris.马尔科姆自我放逐到了巴黎,但他继续要和朱利恩斗到底。He went into exile to avoid capture and execution by the government.为躲避政府的抓捕和极刑,他开始流亡。The very name of Siberia conjures images of exile and bitter hardship.西伯利亚这个名字会使人想起流放和苦难的情景。Opponents of the regime are either killed or sent into exile.该政权的反对者不是被杀就是被流放。They joined the many other Armenians living in exile.他们加入到过着流亡生活的许多其他亚美尼亚人当中。He returned from exile earlier this year.今年早些时候他流亡归来。He was dethroned and went into exile.他被罢黜并流放。She went into political exile after the last election.上次大选后,她不再参与政治。He has been an exile for ten years.他已经流亡十年。Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile.拒绝签字意味着财产要被没收,还要流亡国外。He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.他遭到了联邦调查局的诬蔑和追捕,被迫流亡国外。This dictator sent his apostates into exile.这位独裁者将脱党者放逐。His early years as a Protestant firebrand had led to imprisonment and then exile.他年轻时是个狂热的新教徒,并因此先是入狱,后又被流放。The king's people accompanied him in exile.国王的御前人员陪同他流亡国外。During his exile, he began writing books.在流放期间他开始写书。The colonel rebelled in protest over his transfer, saying it amounted to exile.上校抗命,反对调动,说调动无异于放逐。They threatened to exile her in southern Spain.他们威胁要将她流放到西班牙南部。The pain of exile was terrible, but the experience was not wasted.流放带来的痛苦是巨大的,但那段经历终未白费。The Prince and his family were sent into exile after the revolution.这场革命之后,王子和他的家人被流放了。They hoped that his exile would be temporary.他们希望他的流亡只是暂时的。He went into exile after the overthrow of the government.政府被推翻后他流亡国外。He spent many years in exile.他曾经流亡多年。He now lives in exile in the United States.他现在流亡美国。If offered a choice between death and exile, he said that he would choose the former. 如果在死亡和流亡中选择的话,他说他宁可选择前者。The revolutionaries laid down their arms and its leaders went into voluntary exile.革命者放下了武器,其领导人也自愿流亡他国了。During his exile, he also began writing books.在流放期间,他也开始写书。He still hopes to return from exile one day.他仍希望有一天可以结束流亡回国。He soon returned to Manchester United after a brief exile in Italy.在意大利呆了一段时间后他很快就回到了曼彻斯特联队。They are in tax exile from the UK.他们离开英国到国外避税。




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