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词汇 excitement
例句 She felt a surge of excitement run through her.她突然觉得浑身激动。The element of risk just adds excitement.风险因素使人更加兴奋。We wouldn't let the bad weather dampen our excitement/enthusiasm/spirits.我们不能让坏天气扫了我们的兴致。The children were glowing with pleasure/excitement.孩子们非常快乐/兴奋。She felt a thrill of excitement as the mountains came into view.大山映入眼帘,她感到一阵强烈的兴奋。The new stadium has sports fans buzzing with excitement.新的体育场使球迷们兴奋不已。Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy.圣诞节应该是兴奋和美妙的时刻,而不该是一种肆无忌惮的营销策略。After the excitement was over, she felt flat.令人兴奋的事过后,她感到平淡无味。The children were aglow with excitement.孩子们兴奋得小脸红扑扑的。I felt a quiver of excitement run through me.我激动得全身一阵颤抖。They brought the audience to such a pitch of excitement that you could no longer hear the music.他们使观众情绪如此激动,甚至音乐声已淹没其中。We were feeling a mixture of fear and excitement.我们既害怕又激动。At the back of the stand, Redsox fans were jumping up and down with excitement.看台后面,红袜队的球迷激动得又蹦又跳。The show brims with excitement.表演非常激动人心。I felt a sudden tingle of excitement.我突然感到一阵激动。In his excitement, he knocked over a lamp.他一时激动撞倒了灯。The star arrived amidst scenes of excitement.明星到达时现场一片欢腾。The kids had worked themselves up to a fever pitch of excitement.这些孩子到了异常激动的地步。Her excitement was mingled with a slight feeling of fear.她兴奋中带着一丝恐惧。The excitement is increasing inside the stadium as we wait for the teams to come out onto the field.我们在等待球队进入球场时,体育场内的激动情绪越来越强烈。The thought of the coming adventure keyed him up to a state of great excitement.他一想到即将来临的冒险就感到极度兴奋。William raced up the stairs, full of energy and excitement.威廉快步跑上楼梯,浑身散发着活力和激情。The excitement has abated.兴奋的情绪已经平静下来了。A rush of excitement pulsed through her body. 她突觉全身有一股兴奋劲在涌动。My visits always brought great excitement to my family.我每次回家都让家人很兴奋。The atmosphere was charged with excitement.气氛极为热烈。A brief choreographic presentation can add beauty and excitement to any show.一段简短的编舞表演能增加美感和兴奋到任何一个表演。The happiness and the excitement had been drained completely from her voice.她声音里的那种快乐和兴奋完全消失了。This story has many ingredients which make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这篇报道包含了众多元素,任何一个新闻编辑都会激动得嘴上唾沫横飞。Her heart hammered with a terrible excitement.她的心因极度激动而怦怦直跳。The hall buzzed with excitement as the audience waited for the show to start.观众们在等待演出开始期间,大厅里闹哄哄的。The children's excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer.随着圣诞临近,孩子们越来越兴奋。She's always hankering after excitement.她一直寻求刺激。The excitement has got into the very blood of the nation.全国活跃,欢腾不已。The excitement of the party quickly began to pall. 聚会的兴奋很快就开始消退了。The movie is technically impressive, but lacks real excitement.这部影片技术上令人赞叹,但缺乏真正激动人心的东西。Her feelings about starting the business were an admixture of fear and excitement.对于创业,她既害怕又激动。She laughed, her eyes alight with excitement.她笑了,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。The news has caused great excitement among scientists.这一消息已经引起科学家极大的兴奋。In the excitement I forgot all about my little brother.我兴奋得完全忘了我弟弟。




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