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词汇 exchanged
例句 The prisoners of war were exchanged man for man.一对一地交换了战俘。As Sally approached wearing her new dress, the others exchanged glances and tried not to laugh.萨莉穿着新衣服走过来时,其他人都互换眼色,尽量忍着不笑出来。The couple exchanged vows at the altar.夫妇在圣坛前盟誓成婚。They exchanged glances.他们互相扫了一眼。They exchanged knowing glances.他们会意地交换了一下眼色。We exchanged words after the meeting.我们会后进行了交谈。It appears the two players exchanged a few angry words at the changeover.两名运动员好像在交换场地时对骂了几句。We exchanged greetings before the meeting.会前我们相致致意。Bentson knew all the women by sight, but he'd never exchanged more than a few words with any of them.本特森认得所有这些妇女,但从未与她们中的任何一个多说几句话。We exchanged addresses and Christmas cards.我们交换了地址和圣诞贺卡。We exchanged Christmas cards.我们互送圣诞贺卡。He exchanged a quick smile with her, then entered the lift.他与她匆匆相视一笑,然后进入电梯。They exchanged greetings, compared notes on their wives and families, and finally got down to business.他们互致问候,聊了聊家常,然后才言归正传。The two women exchanged glances and laughed.那两个女子对视了一眼,然后笑了起来。We exchanged commonplaces about the weather over cups of tea.我们喝了几杯茶,就天气方面的话题寒暄了几句。They exchanged sly looks and smiles.他们交换会意的眼色和微笑。He and the police officer exchanged fire. 他和警察交火。In a department store when a gift voucher is exchanged it's stamped with the details of the store to cancel it.在百货公司里,凡是已经兑换的礼券都会在上面盖上将其注销的商店的详细信息。They exchanged a firm handshake on parting.他们分手时紧紧地握了握手。He exchanged a quick smile with her then entered the lift.他和她匆匆相视一笑,然后走进了电梯。They exchanged very formal, almost ritualized, pleasantries.他们非常正式地、几乎是仪式性地说了些打趣的话。We exchanged addresses and promised we'd write each other often.我们互换了地址并承诺常常写信联系。I exchanged the book for a video.我用书换了一盘录像带。She exchanged the blue dress for a yellow one.她把那件蓝衣服拿去换了一件黄色的。They exchanged conspiratorial glances.他们会意地对视了一下。They receive points which can be exchanged for goods.他们获得的积分可以兑换商品。Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged.怒气突然爆发,人们开始恶言相向。Dan exchanged a knowing look with Harry.丹和哈丽心照不宣地交换了一下眼神。The two boxers exchanged blows. 两个拳击手相互出拳击打对方。Danny and his lawyer exchanged uneasy looks.丹尼和他的律师不安地交换了一下眼色。The couple exchanged avowals of love.这对夫妻互相公开示爱。We exchanged addresses.我们交换了地址。We exchanged civilities when we were neighbours, but nothing more.我们以前做邻居的时候最多也只是客气地打个招呼。Two workers from the same sector exchanged jobs for a week.同一部门的两名员工对调了一个星期的工作。They exchanged greetings, compared notes on their families, and finally got down to business.他们互相打了招呼,又聊了聊家常,最后才开始谈正事。The candidates exchanged barbs during the debate.候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑。The bride and groom exchanged vows.新娘和新郎互许誓言。We exchanged banalities about the weather.我们彼此客套了几句有关天气的应酬话。The old friends exchanged confidences.老朋友交谈知心话。Braque exchanged a painting for one of Chillida's sculptures.布拉克用一幅画换了奇利达的一件雕塑。




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