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词汇 Exchange
例句 He works as a stockbroker on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.他在纽约证券交易所大厅当股票经纪人。He is a well-known trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.他是纽约证券交易所有名的交易人。Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.货币兑换业务主要由大银行控制。Share prices fell on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today.今天东京证券交易所的股价下跌了。The company has achieved a listing on the Stock Exchange.该公司已成功地在证券交易所上市。Her father made his money speculating on the New York Stock Exchange.她爸爸在纽约证券交易所做投机买卖赚了钱。The company's shares will be traded on the Stock Exchange.该公司的股票将在证券交易所上市交易。The trading at Shanghai Stock Exchange has been very bullish lately.上海证券交易所的交易最近一直处于大牛市。On the Stock Exchange, aggressive buying propped the market up.在证券交易所,市场在大量买单的推动下有所上扬。Trading started briskly on the New York Stock Exchange this morning.今天早上纽约证券交易所开盘时交投活跃。The group asked the Stock Exchange to delist the shares of four of its companies.该集团要求证券交易所将其下属四家公司的股票摘牌。Their action was in breach of Stock Exchange rules.他们的行为违反了证券交易所的规定。Both companies are listed on the Stock Exchange.两家公司均在证券交易所上市。Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.东京股票交易所的股价小幅下跌。Exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going.公司与学校之间的互访使得这一项目得以进行下去。The company was not financially strong enough to be floated on the Stock Exchange.该公司资金不够雄厚,无法上市。Prices on the New York Stock Exchange staged a rally.纽约股票市场价格回升。We didn't want to start a panic on the Stock Exchange.我们不想在证券交易所引起恐慌。He is a young stockbroker at the New York Stock Exchange.他是纽约证券交易所的一位年轻的经纪人。He described Britain's entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as an historic move.他将英国加入欧洲汇率机制描述为具有历史意义的一步。Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stock Exchange from today.匈牙利从今天起将拥有一个完全成熟的证券交易所。Gold shares jumped on the Stock Exchange yesterday.昨天证券交易所里黄金股票暴涨。It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange.这是伦敦最好的地段之一,离证券交易所很近。Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange often fluctuate wildly.纽约证交所里的股价经常暴涨暴跌。There was frenetic trading on the Stock Exchange yesterday.昨天股票交易所交易火爆。Exchange rates are fluctuating wildly.汇率波动剧烈。Exchange rates are currently operating to the advantage of exporters.目前的汇率变动有利于出口商。




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