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词汇 exceptionally
例句 The last set of trade figures showed exceptionally strong export growth.最后一组贸易数字显示出格外强劲的出口增长趋势。He is playing exceptionally well.他打得特别好。We had an exceptionally mild winter last year.去年我们过了一个异常暖和的冬天。The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.这些商品定价合理,很是划算。They've had an exceptionally tough life.他们的一生异常艰苦。At your request we may agree, exceptionally, to work outside usual working hours.在您的要求下,我们可能会破例同意在正常工作时间之外工作。The weather's been exceptionally mild.天气格外地温和。He has done an exceptionally fine job of reorganizing things.他在重新整理物品方面做得极好。As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.作为老师,她的筛选很严格,只接受一小部分特别有天赋的学生。The food on the ship is exceptionally good.船上的食物格外好吃。The drought began with that exceptionally dry summer.旱灾是从那个雨水特别稀少的夏季开始的。This year was exceptionally difficult on the high street.今年市面上的生意特别难。An exceptionally attentive (but never obtrusive) staff is led by general manager Philip Meyer.总经理菲利普·迈耶领导着一群特别热心体贴(但绝不会突兀惹人讨厌)的职员。He's an exceptionally talented dancer.他是个非常有天赋的舞者。She's an exceptionally good cook.她是个特别优秀的厨师。She defended her position exceptionally well.她出色地捍卫了自己的立场。Some providers are doing this exceptionally well while others are failing to deliver.一些供应商做得极其出色,而另一些却交不了货。Thomas is an exceptionally bright boy.托马斯是个异常聪明的男孩子。Only exceptionally bright students are entered for the examination.只有智慧过人的学生才被选去参加考试。The house had an exceptionally large garden.这幢房子有一个非常大的花园。He is an exceptionally honest man.他是个极诚实的人。This has been an exceptionally busy week.这星期特别忙。The soloist played exceptionally well.独奏者演奏得异常精彩。The roads are flooded after a period of exceptionally heavy rain.经过一段时间的滂沱大雨,道路都被淹了。This summer has been exceptionally dry.今年夏天异常干燥。She has made an exceptionally useful contribution to the debate.她为辩论作出了极大贡献。The city has an exceptionally rich heritage of historic buildings.这座城市有着非常丰富的古建筑遗产。Her married life was exceptionally happy.她的婚后生活十分幸福。Brazil is exceptionally rich in mineral resources.巴西的矿产资源极为丰富。He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.他已经命令军官要倍加严格地管住自己的手下。She sings in an exceptionally pure soprano.她以异常纯美的高音歌唱。The day before had been an exceptionally busy one.前一天是极度忙碌的一天。The enamelling was exceptionally fine.这件珐琅装饰品格外精美。The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕。Nadine's daughter has an exceptionally fine singing voice.娜丁的女儿嗓音特别好。The yacht was exceptionally stiff.这艘游艇格外平稳。The exceptionally rude attendant at the gift shop stifled a chuckle when I asked her which selection was the cheapest.当我问哪类商品最便宜的时候,那个十分无礼的礼品店服务员偷偷笑了一下。The material has exceptionally high strength for its weight.这种材料的质量强度比格外高。Digital techniques achieve exceptionally high accuracy.数码技术可达到异常高的精确度。Phil Martin is an exceptionally busy man.菲尔·马丁整天忙得不可开交。




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