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词汇 except for
例句 There was nothing there except for a pile of sun-bleached bones.那里空无一物,只有一堆被太阳晒得惨白的骨头。There was nothing in the chest except for a few items of clothing.箱子里除了几件衣服什么都没有。The cat was black except for a patch of white on the very tip of its tail.那只猫通身黑色,只有尾巴尖儿上有点儿白。Everything was silent except for the dry leaves scrunching under her feet.万籁俱静,只有枯叶在她脚下喀嚓作响。There was nothing in his office except for a few battered chairs.他的办公室里除了几张破椅子外空无一物。The downstairs bathroom is utterly bare except for one lonely hand towel.楼下的浴室里除了一条孤零零的毛巾外空无一物。The room was empty except for a broken wood chair.屋子里除了一张破木椅什么都没有。She's done all the important Shakespearean roles except for Lady Macbeth.她扮演过莎士比亚戏剧中除麦克白夫人以外的所有重要角色。The weather was beautiful except for one or two stray showers.天气很好,只是下了一两场零星阵雨。She would leave her husband except for the children.要不是为了孩子,她会离开丈夫的。There was no sound in the library except for the occasional rustle of papers.图书馆里除了偶尔有书页翻动的窸窣声以外,悄然无声。We had a very pleasant time, except for the weather.除了天公不作美外,我们过得很愉快。The quilt is quite plain except for its colorful border.那条被子相当朴素,除了带一圈彩色花边。You're so selfish. You don't give a damn about anyone except for yourself.你太自私了,除了你自己,你对谁都不在乎。He refuses to do any extra work except for some consideration.若无报酬他拒绝做任何额外工作。The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.除了三楼的一个窗户亮着一盏灯之外,整座大楼都是黑的。Your planning is nearly perfect except for one caveat: what you are suggesting is against the law.你的计划堪称完美,但是有一点我得提出预警:你所建议的事是违法的。The street was silent except for the occasional burst of laughter from one of the workmen.街上静悄悄的,偶尔传来某个工人的大笑声。Your composition is good except for some overcolouring here and there.你的作文很好,除了个别地方有些过分润色。The room was bare except for a few pieces of ugly furniture.除了几件丑陋的家具外,房间里空空如也。The weather was good except for an occasional shower.除了偶尔有阵雨之外,天气很好。She was unlike him in every way except for her coal black eyes.她除了那双乌黑的眼睛外,跟他没有一点儿相像。Their performance was very good except for a few minor slips.除了几个小差错外,他们的表演非常精彩。The foggy streets were virtually empty, except for the occasional evening stroller.除了偶尔一两个傍晚出来散步的人,雾蒙蒙的街上空荡荡的。The outer surface, except for slight inequalities, may be either smooth to the touch or harsh.除了略微不齐整外,外表面摸起来要么光滑,要么粗糙。Everyone was late, except for Richard.除了理查德,其他所有人都迟到了。There was silence except for the faint murmur of water far away.除了远处汩汩的流水声,周围一片寂静。All the people who work there are men except for a couple of token women.除了几个装点门面的女员工之外,在那儿工作的都是男性。Highway programs, except for the interstate routes, would be slashed.除了州际路线外,公路项目要大幅度削减。The room was silent except for John's crunching.屋子里一片寂静,只有约翰发出的咀嚼声。The room was silent except for her sobbing.房间里静悄悄的,只有她的啜泣声。The trees were leafless except for the topmost branches.这些树只有顶端的枝条上长着叶子。The pain's almost gone now except for that one little knock where I didn't brace my leg up.除了腿上没包绷带的小碰伤处,我身上几乎都不疼了。They would all have died except for her and her quick thinking. 要不是她以及她的敏捷思维,他们就都死定了。I would go with you except for my headache.要不是因为我头痛,我想和你一起去。She never picked up a newspaper except for the purpose of starting a fire in the wood stove.她只有在给柴炉引火时才会拿起报纸。There was nothing in the room except for a mattress.房间里除了一张床垫外什么东西也没有。The stock market has continued to rise, except for a slight hiccup earlier this month.股市不断上涨,除了在本月早些时候有点儿小变化。There was silence except for the crackling of the fire.除了火的噼啪声,一片沉寂。I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books.我把我所有的东西都卖掉了,只剩下汽车和书。




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