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例句 She did nothing except complain while she was here.她在这里时除了抱怨还是抱怨。Everyone was late, except for Richard.除了理查德,其他所有人都迟到了。Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play.弗雷迪丝毫不肯透露他正在写什么,只告诉我那是一个圣诞节剧本。The pain's almost gone now except for that one little knock where I didn't brace my leg up.除了腿上没包绷带的小碰伤处,我身上几乎都不疼了。Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections.除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。We had a very pleasant time, except for the weather.除了天公不作美外,我们过得很愉快。I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.除了有一次在火车上短暂相遇,我没再看见过他。She sipped the wine. Everything was hazy now, except for Nick's face.她小口地抿着酒。现在一切都变得模糊起来,除了尼克的脸。There was nothing at all in the room except an empty cupboard.房间里除了一个空柜子,什么也没有。There was nothing to do now except face it out or admit defeat.现在要么坚持到底,要么承认失败,别无他法。He has no special fault except that he smokes too much.他除了抽烟抽得太凶太多之外,没有什么特别的毛病。The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep.除了吹得堆积起来的地方,雪只有小腿肚深。The room was empty except for a broken wood chair.屋子里除了一张破木椅什么都没有。I answer to no one except the president.我只负责向总统交待。I would have come earlier, except I got lost.要不是我迷路了,我本来会早点儿到的。This hotel has nothing to recommend it except cheapness.这旅馆除了价钱便宜之外一无可取之处。Take no orders except from me. 除我以外,不要听从任何人的命令。The first song, 'Blue Moon', didn't go too badly except that everyone talked throughout.第一首歌《蓝色的月亮》唱得并不太差,只是所有人从头到尾都在讲话。The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.除了三楼的一个窗户亮着一盏灯之外,整座大楼都是黑的。He wore no clothing except a cloth that hid his manhood.除了下身的一块遮羞布外,他全身一丝不挂。The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.这些长凳上除了一个孤零零的人影就什么都没有。I like her except when she's angry.我挺喜欢她,但她发怒时除外。The quilt is quite plain except for its colorful border.那条被子相当朴素,除了带一圈彩色花边。She never picked up a newspaper except for the purpose of starting a fire in the wood stove.她只有在给柴炉引火时才会拿起报纸。The exam went pretty well, except that I misread the final question.我考试考得很好,不过我看错了最后一道题。Nothing can be done except to wait and hope.除了等待和期盼,我们什么也做不了。Ida would not speak to him except to answer questions.除了回答问题,艾达都不和他说话。The cat was black except for a patch of white on the very tip of its tail.那只猫通身黑色,只有尾巴尖儿上有点儿白。The book cannot be published in that country except in samizdat.此书在该国只能地下出版。Everything has been packed in boxes except a few odds and ends.除了几件零星物品,所有的东西都装在盒子里了。You will all be punished; I can except no one.你们全得受罚,我一个也不饶。He disinterested himself in everything except music.除了音乐他对什么都不感兴趣。We don't eat breakfast together, except at the weekends.我们只有在周末时才在一起吃早餐。Smoking has little value except in helping to calm the nerves.除了能帮助镇定神经外,吸烟没有什么好处。His remark went unnoticed by everyone except me.他的话除了我别人都没注意到。I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds.我什么药都不吃,除了感冒时吃阿司匹林。Everyone was invited except for me.除我以外,所有人都受到了邀请。Everyone laughed except Dad, who obviously didn't appreciate the humour of the situation.大家都笑了,只有爸爸没笑,他显然没弄懂这一情形的幽默之处。He looks exactly like Clint Eastwood, except he's slightly taller.他看上去与克林特·伊斯特伍德一模一样,只是更高些罢了。The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities.这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。




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