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词汇 ever since
例句 I've known Mollie ever since I was a little girl.我还是个小女孩的时候就认识莫莉了。The company has been trying to play a difficult game of catch-up ever since its competitor introduced the new product.自从竞争对手推出了新产品,公司一直在努力追赶。He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset.自从他得了胃病后,就对食物失去了兴趣。There's been a definite spring in his step ever since he met Joanna.自从他遇见乔安娜之后,走起路来步伐都轻快了。I've had a soft spot for Janet ever since she took my side in the argument I had with Jimmy.我和吉米争吵时,珍妮特站在了我的一边,从那以后我就特别喜欢她。He's been depressed ever since he got divorced.他离婚后一直很消沉。I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I've kept in touch with him ever since.我是在马德里工作时认识他的,从那以后,我和他一直保持着联系。He left last year and has been away ever since.他去年走的,此后就一直不曾回来。She thinks she's really something ever since her promotion.自从获得晋升后,她觉得自己真是个人物了。I've been cooped up in the apartment ever since I got back to Chicago.我回到芝加哥后就一直被关在这个公寓中。The memory of that tragic day has stayed with her ever since.那悲惨的一天她永远无法忘记。He's been on cloud nine ever since she agreed to marry him.自从她答应嫁给他之后,他就高兴得飘飘然了。The new broom was supposed to improve the way the department is managed, but things have been worse than ever since she arrived.新官上任本应能改善这个部门的管理方式,但她的到来却使得情况变得前所未有的糟糕。We lived next door to each other when we were kids, and we've been best friends ever since.我们小时候住在隔壁,后来就一直是好朋友。I've been getting these pains in my back ever since I fell down the stairs.我从楼梯上摔下来以后,就一直背痛。He's been acting different ever since his arrest.他自从被捕以后,行为一直很反常。Stamp collecting has been a hobby of mine ever since I was a child.自小集邮就一直是我的爱好。It's been preying on my mind ever since it happened.事情发生后我的内心就一直在受折磨。Critics of the president have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was first proposed.自从这一计划最开始提出,总统的批评者就一直在大肆贬低它。I had the blood test last Tuesday, and I've been sweating it out ever since, waiting for the results.我上个星期二验血了,从那时起就一直如坐针毡地等待结果。The business of our new restaurant has been booming ever since it opened.我们的新餐馆开张之后生意一直很兴旺。It's been niggling at my mind ever since I met Neville in Nice.自从在尼斯见到内维尔后,我一直忐忑不安。I went to dance class last week, and I've been aching ever since.上周我去上了舞蹈课,此后一直浑身疼痛。Yesterday I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street, and it's been on my conscience ever since.昨天我没理会在街上向我讨钱的那个老妇人,但随后一直觉得良心不安。I have been on the run ever since I got up.我起床后一直在奔忙着。He turned up missing in the morning and hasn't been seen ever since.他早上突然失踪,以后就再也没人见到过他。He has been losing flesh ever since the death of his wife.自他妻子死后,他日渐消瘦。He'd been an early riser ever since he was a child.他从小就是个早起的人。She's wanted to be a firefighter ever since she was a young girl.她从小就想成为一名消防员。I've been busy ever since I came back.自我回来后一直在忙。Her artistic/creative talent has been obvious ever since she was a child.她从小就显示出了艺术/创作天赋。There has been open hostility between them ever since they had that argument last summer.自从去年夏天他们发生了那场争吵后,两人就一直处于公开的敌对状态。We just clicked, and we've been friends ever since.我们一见如故,从此就成了朋友。I'd wanted to come ever since I was a tot.我从小就一直想来。Her stomach had been doing cartwheels ever since he left.自从他离开后她心里一直七上八下的。It has been rough sledding for him ever since.从此他日子难过。Born of a plutocrat family, he wanted to pursue political power ever since he was a child.出生于一个富豪的家庭,他从小就想追求政治的权力。Jack has had a fascination with cars ever since he was four.杰克自四岁起就对汽车着迷。I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child.我生完第四个孩子后就一直在节食。He's seemed listless and a little depressed ever since he got his exam results.自从得知自己的考试分数后他就一直无精打采,心情也有些低落。




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