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例句 His illness eventually prevented him from working.他的病最后使他无法工作。We spent half an hour looking for the keys, but eventually gave up and went home.我们找了半个小时的钥匙,但最后还是放弃,回家去了。The stewards eventually decided to disqualify us.赛会组织者最终决定取消我们的参赛资格。Marx taught that capitalist economies are eventually doomed to collapse.马克思宣称资本主义经济必然会走向崩溃。It had been touch-and-go for him in the hospital, but he had eventually recovered.他在医院病情曾很危急,但最终康复了。Most children eventually outgrow a tendency toward travel sickness.大多数儿童长大后就不会再晕车晕船了。Her constant campaigning eventually got her the nomination.她连续不断地参选,终于赢得了提名。The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.该俱乐部最终让了步,现在给予女性同等权利。The road became narrower and eventually petered out.那条路越来越窄,最后消失了。He eventually escaped and made his way back to England.他终于逃脱并回到了英国。He was eventually forced to cough up details of the crime.他最后被迫供出犯罪细节。The chances of Francis eventually becoming manager of England are perhaps higher. It is early days, of course, and he has yet to win anything.弗朗西斯最终成为英格兰队主教练的几率可能更高。当然,现在这样说为时尚早,他还没赢过呢。Marik, who had been held in detention for over a year, was eventually found not guilty.马里克被关了超过一年,最终被判无罪。It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments and eventually decompose.人们希望浮油会沉到海底,并且在数年内被沉积物覆盖,最终分解。A compromise was eventually reached, but even this failed to satisfy environmentalists.最后达成了妥协,但即使这样,也未能令环保主义者满意。He'll come around eventually. He doesn't have any choice, does he?他最终会改变想法的。他别无选择,是吗?He nagged me so much for a new bike that eventually I gave in.他没完没了地缠着我要一辆新自行车,我最后只好答应了。He eventually found employment as a meat cutter.他最后找了份切肉的工作。The four climbers were eventually forced to admit defeat when weather conditions made it impossible to continue.天气条件使那四名登山运动员无法继续前行,最后被迫认输。This was the first of several actions that were of questionable legality, and which eventually led to his resignation.他所做的几件事都令人质疑其合法性,这是当中的第一件,而这最终导致了他的辞职。When he eventually overtook the last truck he pulled over to the inside lane.他终于超过了最后那辆卡车后便驶回了内车道。She eventually finished up in London.她最后一站抵达了伦敦。If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its toll. 如果你继续这么辛苦地工作,最终会被压垮的。It was an awkward ascent, but we reached the top eventually.那段上坡路很难走,但最后我们还是爬到了山顶。When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.当我最终停下车打开引擎盖后,发现噪声似乎是从交流发电机中传出来的。If you don't add oil, the engine will eventually seize up.如果你不加油,引擎最终会转不动的。She wrote less and less often, and eventually she stopped altogether.她动笔的次数越来越少,最后完全停笔了。The project was difficult, but we kept at it and eventually it was done.这个项目很难做,但我们一直坚持,最终完成了。Sympathising with him eventually becomes somewhat wearisome.对他的同情最终变得有点儿让人厌烦。Their decision not to invest more money in new equipment may come back to bite them eventually.他们不再对新设备投资的这一决定最终可能会留下后患。By sheer persistence, I eventually got her to change her mind.我全凭坚持不懈最终使她改变了主意。The workers held out for several months against the closure of the mine, but they were eventually defeated.工人们对关闭矿井的决定进行了数月之久的坚决斗争,但最后还是失败了。Our cold fingers and toes eventually thawed.我们冰冷的手指和脚趾终于暖和过来了。She's disappointed about their decision, but she'll get over it eventually.她对他们的决定很失望,不过她最终还是会想开的。I am sure that we'll succeed eventually.我坚信我们最终会取得成功。Anger eventually boils over into words that are later regretted.愤怒的情绪终于控制不住,变成了一句句气愤的话语,事后又追悔莫及。The report was eventually circulated to all the members.这份报告最后分发给了所有成员。The incoming tide will eventually float the ship off the reef.涨潮最终会使那艘船漂起来,摆脱礁石。All the interested parties eventually agreed to the idea.所有利益相关方最终都同意了这一想法。These surreal events eventually led to police arresting the teacher in her classroom.这些离奇的事件最终导致警察在教室里逮捕了那位女教师。




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