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词汇 Eve
例句 Everyone got stewed at the New Year's Eve party.在除夕夜的宴会上,每一个人都醉了。After a few minutes Eve remembered her manners and invited them all in.过了一会儿伊夫才记起了自己的礼貌,邀请他们都进来。Are you having a New Year's Eve party?你会举办除夕晚会吗?They celebrated New Year's Eve with a costume party.他们举办了一个化装晚会庆祝除夕。He was emcee of the live New Year's Eve show.他担任了跨年直播晚会的司仪。Residents of the city can see flamboyant firework displays on New Year's Eve.在除夕晚上市民通常可以看到华丽的烟火展示。They stayed up late on New Year's Eve.除夕夜他们很晚才睡。I never buy my gifts until Christmas Eve because I'm a procrastinator.我真是有拖延症,从来都是在圣诞前日才买礼物。Trafalgar Square is a favourite place for whooping it up on New Year's Eve.除夕之夜,人们爱去特拉法尔加广场狂欢作乐。Eve isn't the type to sit around doing nothing.伊芙不是那种喜欢坐在那里无所事事的人。According to the Bible, Eve was seduced by the serpent.据《圣经》记载,夏娃受了蛇的引诱。Adam and Eve tried to hide their nakedness with fig leaves.亚当和夏娃试图用无花果树叶遮掩他们裸露的身体。There were a large number of DUI arrests on New Year's Eve.除夕夜有许多酒后驾车被捕的人。They invited us over on Christmas Eve for mulled wine.他们请我们在平安夜过去喝热饮酒。On New Year's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains.新年前夕,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。Eve mentioned that you might be looking for a temporary job.伊芙谈到你可能在找份临时工作。They declared a ceasefire from midnight on New Year's Eve to promote peace and as a gesture of goodwill.为了促进和平及表示善意,他们宣布自新年前一天午夜开始停火。Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.伊芙步履轻快地穿过走廊来到儿子的房间。We stayed up past midnight on New Year's Eve to see the new year in. 除夕,我们守岁以迎接新年的到来。Eve had placed marble benches at strategic points throughout the garden.伊芙已经在花园里各重要的地方放置了大理石长椅。We enjoyed the New Year's Eve festivities.我们在新年前夜的庆典中尽享快乐。For what were Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise?亚当和夏娃是因为什么被逐出伊甸园的? At some time or other Eve had obviously put the fear of God into her.伊夫显然什么时候故意吓唬过她。Our New Year's Eve party was a huge success.我们的新年前夜晚会特别成功。The streets were filled with drunken revelers on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,大街上到处都是喝醉酒的狂欢者。Eve's very tall, as was her mother.伊芙个子很高,她母亲个子也高。We'll see you on Christmas Eve.圣诞前夕我们来看你。They were busy wrapping presents late on Christmas Eve.在平安夜深夜,他们忙着包装礼物。Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony.理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。The display of fireworks on New Year's Eve was a fine spectacle.除夕燃放的烟火真是美妙的奇观。On New Year's Eve we come together, and share our hopes and fears for the coming year.除夕我们聚在一起,分享对来年的希望,分担对来年的忧虑。We went to a very smart party on New Year's Eve.除夕我们去参加了一个非常时尚的聚会。The period between Christmas and New Year's Eve is a very busy one for us.圣诞节到元旦期间是我们非常忙的一段时期。The city really jumps on New Year's Eve.除夕夜,这座城市真的沸腾了起来。On New Year's Eve, he offered a glass of champagne to everyone, on the house.除夕那天他免费为所有顾客提供一杯香槟酒。Years later, family history repeated itself with Eve's daughters.多年以后,家族历史又在伊夫的女儿们身上重演。Unfortunately, I've got to work on Christmas Eve.很可惜,圣诞夜我得工作。On New Year's Eve I usually give a party, which is always chaotic.我通常在除夕举行派对,总是很闹。They held a party on New Year's Eve.他们在除夕举行了晚会。God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs.上帝用亚当的一根肋骨创造了夏娃。




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