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词汇 Science
例句 Computer Science is his minor subject.电脑是他的副修科目。Science quickens man's imagination.科学激发人类的想象力。Science has contributed much to modern technology.科学对现代技术作出了很大贡献。Science and technology have made major changes to the way we live.科技极大地改变了我们的生活方式。Science is seen as intrinsically good.科学就其本身而言被认为是件好事。Science is a servant of mankind.科学是为人类服务的。Science lessons should be taught in a way that makes the material easier to grasp.自然科学应该使用让材料更容易理解的方法来授课。The Science Museum is always a big draw with youngsters.科学博物馆一直是十分吸引年轻人的地方。Science and technology are not neutral or value-free but are instruments of political power.科学和技术不是中立的或纯客观的,而是政权的工具。Science has exploded many old theories.科学已经推翻了许多旧的理论。The Science Council is mainly an advisory body.科学委员会主要是一个顾问组织。Science has taken a tumble in their view.科学的地位在他们的心目中骤降。Science is on the march.科学在向前发展。Science has always fascinated me.科学一直令我着迷。Science is always on the move.科学总是在进步。Science is based around the search for truth.科学是以寻找事实为基础的。Science is a solvent of superstition.科学有助于破除迷信。Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。Science tells us that neither man nor God is omnipotent.科学告诉我们,人和上帝都不是全能的。The majority of state secondary schools set for English, Maths and Science.大部分公立中学都开设英语、数学和自然科学分级教学班。Science by its very nature is inhospitable to dogma.科学就其实质而论是与教条不相容的。Science, on Weber's account, is an essentially value-free activity.按照韦伯的说法,科学在本质上是一种价值无涉的活动。Science has brought about many changes in our lives.科学为我们生活带来很大变化。Science, like theology, reveals transcendent truths about a changing world.和神学一样,科学揭示了有关不断变化的世界的超验的真理。A recent trip to London gave me the opportunity to visit the Science Museum.最近的一次伦敦之行让我有机会参观了科学博物馆。Science must not become the handmaiden of the state.科学不应成为政府的附庸。Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance.科学在文艺复兴时期发生了新的转变。Science has pushed back the cut-off point at which a woman can no longer bear children.科学已经将女性停止生育的年龄往后推了。Science gives us clues about the origin of the universe.科学为我们提供了有关宇宙起源的线索。She was Dean of the Science faculty at Sophia University.她是上智大学科学院的院长。Science investigates the operation of general laws.科学研究探索的是普遍法则的作用原理。Science is peripheral to that debate.科学并非那场辩论的重点。Science has determined that the risk is very small.科学已经探明其危险性非常小。Science fiction as a genre is relatively new.科幻小说作为一种体裁是比较新的。And there we end this edition of Science in Action.本期《科学在行动》到这里就结束了。The town's most popular attraction is the Marine Science Museum.该镇最著名的景点是海洋科学博物馆。The Cité De Science is a futuristic complex in the Parisian outskirts.科学城是巴黎市郊一幢未来主义风格的综合性建筑。Science kings it over the realm of intellectual discourse nowadays.现在,知识界谈论中压倒一切的主题是科学。Science offers the ability to `naturalize' social, political, or cultural differences.科学为人们提供了用自然道理解释社会、政治、文化差异的能力。Science empowers men to control natural forces more effectively.科学使人类能更有效地控制大自然的威力。




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