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词汇 在电话上
例句 Peter hesitated, his hand poised above the telephone.彼得将手悬在电话上方,犹豫着。The three sisters rarely meet in person, but spend hours on the phone.这三姐妹很少见面,但会在电话上聊好几个小时。I've talked with him on the telephone.我已经同他在电话上谈了。I hate dealing with the bank over the phone. It takes ages to get through to the right person.我讨厌在电话上同银行打交道,找对人要花很长时间。We've been playing telephone tag—she's always out when I call, and vice versa.我们老是在电话上捉迷藏—我打给她时她总是不在,她给我打时我又不在。I don't want to say it over the telephone.我不想在电话上谈这件事。Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce.反诈骗小组的警员们已在电话上安装了窃听器,并随时准备突击。How long are workers on the phone with customers?员工在电话上跟客户聊了多久?




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