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例句 He philosophized, he admitted, not because he was certain of establishing the truth, but because it gave him pleasure.他承认自己高谈阔论不是因为他确定找到了真理,而是因为那给了他很多乐趣。They used economic criteria as the sole benchmark for establishing success.他们把经济指标作为实现成功的唯一衡量尺度。The talks were aimed at establishing normal peacetime relations between the two countries.一系列会谈的目的是在两国间建立正常的和平关系。These results could prove decisive in establishing the criminal's identity.这些结果对确定罪犯的身份将具有决定性的作用。These protocols were annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community economic and monetary union.这些议定书被附加到关于成立欧洲共同体经济和货币联盟条的约中。The birds are busy establishing territories and building nests.鸟儿们正忙着确立领地,筑造鸟巢。Demonstrators say the administration is dragging its feet in establishing a housing program.示威者说政府在制定住房计划一事上拖拖拉拉。There is difficulty in establishing the authorship of these early, medieval objects.确定这些中世纪早期文物的制作者有困难。The move was a first step in establishing a union.这一行动是建立联盟的第一步。Economists have been concerned with establishing proofs for their arguments.经济学家一直致力于为他们的观点寻找证据。He was just establishing his career when the war intervened.他刚刚开始创建自己的事业,战争便爆发了。She has been influential in establishing programs to help the poor.在建立扶贫计划方面她一直是很有影响力的。His enemies accused him of establishing a dictatorship.他的敌人指控他建立了独裁政府。They have started the process for establishing a new office.他们已开始筹建新的办事处。They are establishing a network of pumps and pipelines to move the oil.他们要建立一个油泵和管线的网络输送石油。Britain is re-establishing itself as a powerful force in world politics.英国正在重新树立自己世界政治强国的地位。These new companies are parasites feeding off the success of those who spent the last decade establishing the industry.那些人历经十年才成功建立起了这个产业,这些新公司现在则坐享其成。The research aided in establishing new theories.这项研究对建立新的理论有帮助。The governor urged teachers to break the mold in establishing new ways of teaching.州长鼓励教师破除陈规,创出新的教学方法。Successful companies know the importance of establishing good relationships with their customers.成功的企业知道与客户建立良好关系的重要性。He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relations in the future.他设想在未来可以建立直接的外交关系。Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to the fallen.已经开始建造墓地,以永久纪念阵亡将士。They took the initiative in establishing an international broadcasting research trust.他们率先建立了一个国际性的广播研究托拉斯。




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