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词汇 essential
例句 Discipline is essential in an army.军队必须有纪律。Teacher is the primary essential in classroom teaching.摘要教师是课堂教学的首要要素。Registering an Internet domain name is now an essential part of setting up a company.注册一个因特网域名现在已是成立公司必不可少的一部分了。A printer is clearly essential to such a task.显然,这一工作必须要有一台打印机。The layer of fat on the baby seal's body is essential to its survival.幼海豹身上的脂肪层是其生存必不可少的。Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.相互理解对友谊至关重要。Yeast is essential for the fermentation that produces alcohol.酿酒要发酵,而发酵必须有酵母。Enthusiasm, adaptability, sociability, and good health are essential.主动热情、适应性强、擅长交际及身体健康是基本的条件。Forward planning is essential.提前计划是很有必要的。He possesses the essential attributes of a journalist.他拥有当一名新闻记者的基本品质。Protein is essential to life.蛋白质是生命必不可少的。A warm home is essential to the wellbeing of elderly people.一个温暖的家对于老人的安康来说是至关重要的。Many species of burrowing insects are essential for maintaining a healthy soil ecosystem.许多种类的穴居昆虫是维持土壤生态健康所必需的。What essential piece of clothing would you take?你会带哪件必不可少的衣服呢?An education is an essential/important/necessary precondition for getting a good job.教育背景是获得一份好工作必备/重要/必要的先决条件。It's essential to know which is which as treatments will be quite different.由于治疗的方法将会全然不同,因此弄清楚哪个是哪个很重要。When climbing in snow and ice, it is essential to use the correct gear.在冰雪中爬山,使用正确的装备很重要。At last the essential feathers of the young eagles sprouted.幼鹰的正羽终于长出来了。Moisture is essential for keeping your skin fresh and youthful.水分对于保持皮肤清新、有活力极其重要。This is a game for children which painlessly teaches essential prereading skills.这是个能轻松教会孩子们课前阅读基本技能的游戏。Jordan promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services.乔丹承诺在不减少基本服务的前提下,缩减市政预算。Hard work is essential to success.成功必须努力工作。Accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.铺位有限,所以有必要进行预订。The book covers all the essential points of English grammar.这本书包括了英语语法的全部基本要点。Preventive measures are essential.预防手段是必要的。Nitrogen is one of the essential constituents of living matter.氮是构成生物的基本成分之一。Our survey will produce the essential statistics. In addition, it will provide information about people's shopping habits.我们的调查将得出基本的统计资料,此外还能提供有关人们购物习惯方面的信息。There is no essential difference between the two drafts.两份草稿没有本质上的不同。Apples contain several essential vitamins.苹果含有好几种人体必不可缺的维生素。Nutrition and exercise are essential to fitness and health.营养和运动是保持健康所必不可少的。The core of regular contributors is essential to the magazine.有一群核心撰稿人定期投稿对这份杂志极为重要。Seats go quickly, so it is essential to book in advance.座位很紧俏,所以必须提前预订。It is essential that bullfighters give an impression of fearlessness.斗牛士给观众留下一个英勇的印象,这非常重要。A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients.健康的饮食应该提供所有必需的营养。Play is an essential part of a child's development.玩耍是儿童成长中的重要组成部分。Party membership was an essential prerequisite of a successful career.成为党员是事业有成必不可少的先决条件。As a fighter pilot, he knows that good vision is essential.作为一名战斗机飞行员,他知道拥有良好的视力是至关重要的。It is essential that your diet is varied and balanced.关键是你的饮食要多样化,并保持均衡。It's essential that you wear protective clothing in this area.在这地区你必须穿上防护服。A stable government is essential to economic growth.稳定的政府对经济成长是重要的。




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