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词汇 Americans
例句 We Americans have a strong belief in democracy.我们美国人坚信民主。We Americans owe a great deal to our European cousins.我们美国人得到欧洲兄弟的许多帮助。The British team was first, followed closely by the Americans.英国队赢得第一,美国队紧随其后。She said that the Americans are appalled at the statements made at the conference.她说美国人对会上所作的陈述感到震惊。Quinn argued that an increase in the minimum wage would help the most disadvantaged Americans.奎因辩称,提高最低工资对最贫困的美国人会有帮助。Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans.法拉坎算不上是美国黑人运动的一位模范领袖。Preliminary market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendly products.初步的市场研究显示大部分美国人愿意选用对环境无害的产品。Americans are still giving to charity despite hard economic times.尽管正值经济困难时期,美国人依然在做慈善捐助。Native Americans contrived weapons out of stone, wood, and bone.美洲土著居民把石头、木头和骨头巧妙地制作成武器。Native Americans had many uses for animal skins.美洲土著居民大量使用动物皮毛。Americans get much less time off work than European workers.比起欧洲的工人,美国的工人闲暇时间要少得多。The Japanese, Americans, and even the French and Germans, judge economic policies by results.日本人、美国人,甚至法国人和德国人,都依据结果来评判经济政策的好坏。German-Americans and other hyphenated Americans归化入美国籍的德国人和其他国人In teaching Russian to Americans, English is the source language.在向美国人教授俄语时,英语是母语。Native Americans used to trade skins .印第安人过去曾买卖兽皮。Most Americans accept taxes as a necessary evil.大多数美国人认为纳税是必须的。Tom took great exception to my remark about Americans.汤姆对我有关美国人的评论极为不满。The students are Anglos, Latinos, and Native Americans.学生中有非拉美裔白人、拉美人和印第安人。The government says fewer Americans are carpooling to work.政府称拼车上班的人渐渐少了。He said politics has become increasingly irrelevant to most Americans.他说政治对大多数美国人来说已经变得越来越不重要了。Many Americans have a favourable / favorable view of the Democratic nominee.许多美国人对这个民主党候选人持赞成态度。His work exalts all those virtues that we, as Americans, are taught to hold dear.他的作品颂扬了所有那些身为美国人应该珍视的美德。Americans seem to have a fetish for watering their golf courses.美国人好像特别热衷于给高尔夫球场浇水。Her movies had an immeasurable effect on a generation of Americans.她的影片对一代美国人有着无法估量的影响。He was secretly working as a double agent for the Americans during the war.战争期间他为美国人秘密从事双重间谍的工作。Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia.美国人和俄罗斯人都迫切希望避免在南亚发生冲突。Feathers of various kinds are used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes.美洲印第安人在举行仪式时用到各种羽毛。Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.许多美国人不再把它看作一场正义的战争。Native Americans traded furs with early European settlers.美洲印第安人与早期的欧洲定居者进行毛皮交易。The English and Americans often spell words differently, but both variants are acceptable.英国人和美国人的单词拼写经常不一样,不过两种拼法都可以接受。The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans.电影涉及到印第安人受到的不公正待遇。Americans are spending more time cocooning at home in recent years.最近几年,美国人待在家里的时间多了起来。A recent poll reported that Americans gave precedence to national security.最近的一次民意测验表明,美国人首先关注的是国土安全。By the end of the last century, Americans had embraced the idea of the right to free public education for all children.上个世纪末,美国人都接受了所有儿童都有权接受免费公共教育的观点。Chinese babies are the favorite choice of Americans adopting children from abroad.中国的婴儿是美国人领养海外儿童的首选。Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.事故仍然是美国人过早死亡的头号原因。Americans often seem disconnected from their government.美国人常常显得与政府格格不入。Britain must remain in good odour with both Americans and Europeans.英国必须一直要在美国和欧洲两面都得宠。The British, Canadians, and Americans might be called cousins.英国人,加拿大人和美国人可以称为兄弟。African-Americans were often typecast as servants, entertainers or criminals.非裔美国人经常被指定扮演仆人、笑星或罪犯的角色。




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