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词汇 equivocal
例句 Many were equivocal about the idea.很多人对这一观点都含糊其词。His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.他对新闻界发言时故意含糊其词——既没有否认也没有证实这些报道。He responded to reporters' questions with equivocal answers.他含糊其辞地回答了记者们的提问。Despite extensive research, the evidence remains equivocal.尽管进行了广泛调查,证据还是不够确凿。She was rather equivocal about her work.她谈到她的工作时有点含糊其词。His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation.他含糊其词的回应丝毫没有消除人们的猜疑。The results of the police enquiry were equivocal.警方的调查结果令人费解。The experiment produced equivocal results.实验产生的结果难以解释。Popularity is an equivocal crown.一时走红并不等于永保冠冕。She gave an equivocal reply.她给了一个含糊的回答。His position was rather equivocal.他的地位相当不确定。Lily's equivocal attitude toward John's proposal莉莉对约翰求婚的暧昧态度The anarchists' attitude to violence is so often equivocal and subjective.无政府主义者对于暴力的态度往往是矛盾而又主观的。He was tortured by an awareness of the equivocal nature of his position.意识到自己的立场本身难以解释清楚,他备受折磨。




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