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词汇 equal to
例句 She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.她下定决心要成功应对公司对他们的任何考验。A gill is equal to a quarter pint.一基尔等于四分之一品脱。A liter is equal to 1,000 c.c.一公升等于一千毫升。The Ukraine is roughly equal to France in size.乌克兰和法国的国土面积差不多一样大。She is not equal to the task.她胜任不了这项工作。It is evident that he is not equal to the job.显然,他不能胜任那个工作。A pint is equal to about half a litre.一品脱约相当于半升。They were facing soldiers whose skill was at least equal to their own.他们面对的是技术上起码和他们自己不相上下的士兵。One pound is roughly equal to two dollars.一英镑大约相当于两美元。I felt that nothing could make me equal to the demands being made of me.我觉得自己根本无法达到那些对我的要求。Think hard doesn't equal to shilly-shally.认真考虑可不是犹豫不决。The architecture here is equal to any in the world.这里的建筑堪与世界上任何同类建筑相媲美。He was equal to the difficult situation.他能对付那困难的局面。The guards were equal to anything.这些卫兵能够应对任何事情。One unit of alcohol is equal to one small glass of wine.一单位的酒精相当于一小杯葡萄酒。I'm not equal to the task.我不能胜任这项任务。You will prove more than equal to the tasks ahead.你们将证明自己足以胜任面临的工作。One thousand grams are equal to one kilogram.一千克等于一公斤。I hope that he proves equal to the challenge.我希望他最终证明能应付这一挑战。The staff are equal to all these demands.员工们能够满足所有这些要求。There's no doubt that she can produce work that is equal to anyone else's in her class.毫无疑问,她做的作业比得上班上其他的人。A man of his size is not equal to the job.他这般能耐的人不能胜任这种工作。He was bored with work not equal to his abilities.他对于那些跟自己能力不相称的工作感到厌倦。One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer or a standard measure of spirits.一个单位的酒相当于半品脱的啤酒或一标准计量单位的烈酒。In one night he earned an amount equal to an entire month's salary.他一晚上赚的钱相当于一个月的薪水了。The rent was equal to half his monthly income.这租金相当于他半个月的收入。The number of exports should be equal to imports.进口量和出口量应该持平。The guards were equal to anything.那些卫兵能够应对任何事情。A firm's market capitalization is equal to the total number of shares outstanding multiplied by its stock price.一家公司的市值等于其流通股票数量乘以股票价格。In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men.在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是平等的。The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is equal to one year.地球绕太阳公转的周期等于一年。He says that he's equal to the task. 他说他能胜任这个任务。I felt more than equal to the task.这个任务我能胜任。He is equal to the job in my estimation.据我看,他能胜任这项工作。Helen is quite equal to Jack in brains.在智力方面海伦和杰克完全不相上下。The Egyptians inhabit an area almost equal to France and Spain combined.埃及人居住的那一片土地,面积差不多等于法国和西班牙的总和。His expertise was not equal to the task.他的知识技能不能适应那项工作的要求。She is equal to supporting me.她的能力足以辅佐我。He was confident that they would be equal to the task ahead of them.他有信心他们能够胜任眼前的工作。The architecture here is equal to anything found in Florence or Rome.这里的建筑可与佛罗伦萨或罗马的任何建筑物媲美。




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