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词汇 冷却
例句 Allow the cake to cool before slicing.等蛋糕冷却后再切。Halogen hobs heat up and cool down much more quickly than normal electric hobs.卤素炉架加热和冷却都比一般的电炉架快得多。Turn the cake out onto a wire rack to cool.把蛋糕倒到铁丝架上冷却His punishing schedule seemed to dim his fire at times.有时,繁重的日程安排似乎冷却了他的激情。We'll cool off the engine and wait for the next vessel that's headed for the sea.我们会把引擎关闭冷却,等待下一艘驶向大海的船只。Cover the custard to prevent a skin forming as it cools.盖上蛋奶糕以防其冷却时表面结皮。Another idea is to condense water vapor from the atmosphere in the tropics by cooling it with cold ocean water.另一个想法是,用冰凉的海水把热带地区大气中的水蒸气冷却凝结。Don't lump the pudding by letting it cool too fast.不要让布丁冷却过快而起一个个小疙瘩。I want this soup to chill.我想使这汤冷却Wait until the cake is completely cool before cutting.等蛋糕彻底冷却后再切。Allow the biscuits to cool for five minutes.让饼干冷却五分钟。The hot metal contracted as it cooled.热金属冷却时收缩。Mother placed the pie in the window to cool.母亲将派放在窗口冷却The volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.火山熔岩冷却后变成固体。The mixture will seem too wet at this stage, but it will firm up when chilled.在这个阶段混合物看上去会很湿,但冷却后会变硬。In these experiments, chilling is necessary.冷却在这些实验中是必要的。Molten iron is poured into huge moulds and allowed to cool.熔化的铁水被注入巨大的模子里冷却If the engine overheats, switch it off and do not start it again until it has cooled down.如果引擎过热,关掉它,等它冷却后再重新发动。Carefully lift the cake off the tray and cool on a wire rack.把蛋糕小心地从托盘上拿起,放到金属架上冷却Hot wax solidifies as it cools.热蜡冷却后就凝固了。Dry soil cools rapidly when air temperatures fall.空气温度下降时,干燥的土壤很快冷却His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.他奇怪的举动使得她的激情冷却Remove the artichokes, drain thoroughly and allow to cool.取出洋蓟,滗干水分后让其冷却We had to wait until the engine had cooled down before restarting the car.我们必须等到引擎冷却以后才能重新发动车子。Melted wax becomes solid when it cools.熔化的蜡在冷却后成为固体。As it cooled, the metal contracted.金属冷却后收缩了。The gelatin is poured into a mold and chilled until firm.骨胶被灌入模具里后冷却,直到变硬。The mixture will gel as it cools.这种混合物冷却后会变成胶状。Beat the cream into the fruit puree, pour into bowls, and chill.把奶油倒入果酱中搅拌,之后再倒入碗中冷却Avoid putting your car away until the engine has cooled down.在发动机冷却之前不要把车开进车库里。The mixture hardens as it cools.混合物冷却时变硬了。As time went by the passion cooled.随着时间的推移,激情冷却了。The temperature sensor is making the computer think the engine is cold when, in fact, it's hot.温度传感器发给计算机的信息为发动机是冷却的,可实际上它的温度很高。Hot paraffin solidifies as it cools.热的石蜡在冷却时变成固体。The jelly will stiffen as it cools.果冻冷却后会变稠。The white-hot metal sculptures are moved to a cooling room.白热的金属雕塑被移至一个冷却室里。Cool the jam by stirring it before putting it into jars.装罐之前,搅动果酱使它冷却The gaseous metal is cooled and condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被冷却并冷凝成液态锌。The gaseous metal is put in a closed container and cooled so that it condenses into liquid zinc.气态金属被置于一个密封容器里冷却,让它凝成液态锌。The chemical passes from a liquid to a solid state during the cooling process.这种化学物质在冷却过程中由液态转化为固态。




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