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词汇 equal rights
例句 The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.文章对平等权利这个问题避重就轻。She has devoted herself to the crusade for equal rights for all people.她致力于为全民争取平等权利的改革运动。We will be justly demanding equal rights at work.我们将要求享有工作中应得的平等权利。The government has affirmed its commitment to equal rights.政府声明了其致力于权利平等的承诺。Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights.同性恋男女在为自己争取平等的权利。They have always championed the cause of equal rights for women.他们一贯支持妇女争取同等权利的运动。A well-organized network of women's groups has led the call for equal rights.一个组织严密的妇女团体网络带头发出号召,要求男女平等。She has crusaded for equal rights for all people.她为争取全民享有平等权利而奋斗。The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.那家俱乐部最终还是让了步,现在赋予女性以平等权利。We are campaigning for equal rights for women.我们正在开展妇女拥有平等权利的运动。The struggle for equal rights is not over yet.争取平等权利的斗争尚未成功。The Americans were the first to make law the principle of equal rights for every individual.美国人最早将人人平等的原则写进法律。They are making some progress in their struggle for equal rights.他们为争取平等权利而作的努力取得了一些进展。The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.该俱乐部最终让了步,现在给予女性同等权利。The U.S. civil rights movement achieved equal rights legislation for African-Americans.美国民权运动为非洲裔美国人争取到了平权立法。The battle for equal rights for women is not yet over.争取妇女平等权利的斗争尚未结束。In this sense, children and adults have equal rights.从这个意义上说,儿童和大人享有同样的权利。Women have been pressing for equal rights and pay for years.妇女们多年来一直在要求实现男女平等和同工同酬。The candidate ran on a platform of better housing and equal rights for all.那个候选人的政见是改善住屋,均等权利。We are fighting for equal rights.我们正为争取平等权利而斗争。Women were demonstrating for equal rights.妇女游行,要求平等权利。




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