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词汇 bar
例句 He sat and finished his drink, ignoring the raucous voices from the other end of the bar.他坐着喝完自己的酒,并不理会酒吧那一头闹哄哄的声音。The hotel has a huge bar that we afterpartied in.那家酒店有一个大型酒吧,我们参加派对后就会在那里聚会。Much to my surprise, the waitress at the bar tantalizingly asked me for a date.让我惊讶的是,酒吧的女侍居然很诱人地想要与我约会。The bar was fill with ageing hippies.酒吧里全是上了年纪的嬉皮士。Some gangsters came in and shot up the bar.一些歹徒进来开枪袭击了酒吧。There was a mad rush for the bar.人们疯狂地冲向酒吧。Two men in the bar began fighting over a game of cards.酒吧里两个男人为了一局牌打了起来。I was a waitress in a bar and he was one of my customers, and that, to cut a long story short, is how we met.我是酒吧女服务员,他是我的一位顾客—长话短说吧,我们就是这样认识的。The snack bar is open during the day.小吃店白天营业。The bar only does food at lunchtimes, not in the evenings.这家酒馆只在午饭时提供食物,晚饭时没有。There's a quick-access menu bar below the top menu.在顶部菜单下面有一个可快速进入的菜单栏。I wandered into the hotel bar and ordered a drink.我溜达进了这家旅馆的酒吧要了一杯酒。There would be a dive for the bar as soon as the show finished.表演一结束,人们就会冲向酒吧。He had a dustup with a guy in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个家伙干了一架。Evidence shows that the victim had been struck several times with an iron bar.证据表明,受害者曾被人用铁棒打了好几下。Edging my way through the crowd, I eventually managed to get to the bar.我慢慢地穿过人群,终于来到了吧台前。The little bar turned out to be a real moneyspinner.结果证明,小酒吧确实很赚钱。They walked into a bar looking for trouble.他们走进酒吧来找茬。He swapped his cupcake for a candy bar.他拿自己的纸杯蛋糕换了一条巧克力。After his girlfriend left he spent the evening drowning his sorrows in a local bar.女朋友离开他之后,他那个晚上都在当地一家酒吧里借酒消愁。Click "File" in the menu bar, then click "Exit".点击菜单栏中的“文件”,再点击“退出”。The bar is nonsmoking. 这个酒吧禁止吸烟。Owen's shot hit the bar and ended up in the crowd.欧文的射门打在球门的横梁上,最后落到人群中。Wearing scarves and hats which proclaimed their allegiance, the football fans flooded into the bar.足球迷们戴着表示忠诚的头巾和帽子,如潮水般涌入酒吧。In a bar one night I met a girl, asked her out, and you can guess the rest.有个晚上在酒吧我碰到了一个女孩并邀她出去,此后的事你就猜得到了。The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.酒吧里闲混的还是往常那伙人。The bar serves light meals.那个酒吧供应便餐。Jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald once sang in this bar.爵士乐坛传奇人物埃拉‧菲茨杰拉德曾经在这个酒吧唱过歌。She munched happily on her chocolate bar.她高兴地嚼着巧克力。A fight over a game of cards had erupted in the corner of the bar.在酒吧的角落里,有人因为玩纸牌突然打了起来。After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.戏演完后我们在酒吧里等了一会儿,希望能与演员见上一面。He went to a bar and hung one on.他去了一家酒吧,喝得酩酊大醉。I could hardly hear myself speak above all the hubbub in the bar.在喧嚷的酒吧间里,我几乎听不见自己的声音。They were chatting at the bar.他们正在酒吧聊天。He took careful note of the suspicious-looking man in the corner of the bar.他十分注意酒吧角落里那个形迹可疑的人。He poured himself a stiff whisky at the bar.在酒吧里,他为自己倒上了一杯烈性威士忌。I decided to show the results in a bar graph.我决定用条形图把结果表示出来。It would take two or three months of cramming to prepare for Vermont's bar exam.准备佛蒙特州的律师资格考试要花两三个月的时间苦读。She is the brightest student I've ever known, bar none. 她是我所认识的最聪明的学生,无人可比。There's a snack bar at the pool where we can get nachos.游泳池那儿有家小吃店,我们可以去买烤墨西哥玉米片。




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