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词汇 entertaining
例句 Gray's book is anecdotal and entertaining.格雷的书中尽是些八卦消息,颇具娱乐性。All of these elements combine to make a wonderfully entertaining movie.所有这些要素加在一起成就了一部精彩的娱乐电影。The book is short but entertaining.这本书很薄,但很有趣。He is a very entertaining interview.他是一个很有趣的受访者。The author weaves into this narrative many entertaining historical facts.作者将许多有趣的史实编进了这一叙述中。She found him entertaining enough to overtook his faults.她觉得他很有趣,足以让她忽略他的缺点。About a fifth of their income is spent on entertaining clients.他们的收入约有五分之一用于招待客户。He interweaves advice and amusing stories to create an entertaining book.他把劝告和搞笑故事融汇在一起,写了一本有趣的书。This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film.这部电影令人捧腹,却又发人深省。They do a lot of entertaining.他们经常请客。She gave a witty, entertaining, and articulate speech.她的演讲机智幽默、引人入胜、鞭辟入里。Much of his job as a salesman involves entertaining clients.他是一名推销员,招待客户是他的一项重要工作。Such minor problems aside , the movie is a very entertaining thriller.除了有一些小瑕疵,这部电影是一部很有看头的惊悚片。The movie wasn't half as entertaining as the book.这部电影远不如原书好看。He went on to spin an entertaining yarn about his army days.他接着给我们杜撰了一个关于他当兵时的有趣故事。She was entertaining but unpredictable, with mercurial mood swings.她很会逗人开心,但性格让人捉摸不透,情绪反复无常。The book is an entertaining and informative read.这本书集知识性和趣味性于一体。Children's TV nowadays is much more entertaining.如今孩子的电视节目要比过去有趣多了。The front room was used mainly for entertaining visitors.客厅主要用来待客。The spectacle of two men in a tig is not entertaining.两个男子吵架的场面并不好看。An important part of the job is entertaining business clients.这个职位的一部分重要工作是款待客户。It was highly entertaining for the people around them.这件事对他们周围的人来说非常有趣。The great disparity between the teams did not make for an entertaining game.两队实力悬殊,所以比赛并不精彩。I just need an entertaining read for the beach - nothing too taxing.我去海滩度假时喜欢看一些休闲读物——不要太费神的。The old cathedral is an entertaining salad of style.这座古教堂的建筑风格集各家之大成而引人入胜。The books are designed to be both entertaining and instructive.这些书设计得既富于娱乐性又有教育意义。He was an entertaining dinner companion.他是饭桌上大家的开心果。Barrymore clearly revels in the joy of entertaining an audience.巴里莫尔显然享受着娱乐观众的乐趣。Miro is the most inventive and entertaining of surrealist painters.米罗是最具创造力和娱乐性的超现实主义画家。Maurice was always entertaining, but there was a touch of genius in the way he talked that night.莫里斯总是让人感到快乐,可那天晚上他说的话里则显示出了几分天才。To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.要想创造更多的收入,这项体育活动需要变得更加有趣味性。It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see.这部电影娱乐性还不错,但肯定不是非看不可的。The film is entertaining but ultimately pointless.这部电影娱乐性较强,但说到底毫无意义。They enjoy cooking and entertaining. 他们喜欢烹饪及宴请客人。Two well-matched sides conjured up an entertaining game.双方势均力敌,奉献了一场精彩的比赛。His entertaining could be entered as business expense.他的招待费可作为业务开支入账。She delivered an entertaining discourse on the current state of the film industry.她发表了一篇关于电影业现状的有趣论述。As a whole the series was never less than watchable - hokum, perhaps, but entertaining.整体上来说,这部系列剧还是有些看头的——或许有些胡编乱造,但还是挺有意思的。The others seemed to find my discomfort hugely entertaining.我觉得很尴尬,其他人却似乎觉得这非常有趣。Being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining.伊娃热衷于交际,她喜欢办宴会招待客人。




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