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词汇 Energy
例句 The Energy Minister responded by saying that the opposition's concern for the environment was political opportunism.能源部长回应说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治上的机会主义。Energy policy is badly in need of radical re-examination.能源政策亟需进行彻底的重新审视。Energy conservation is vital for the future of the planet.节约能源对于地球的未来至关重要。Energy for cooking is a basic human need.做饭用的能源是人类的一项基本需要。Energy consumption, congestion, and pollution have increased.能源消耗、交通拥堵和污染都加剧了。Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise.随着各国实现工业化,能源消费增加了。The Energy Secretary hopes to bring on line a safer new tritium production reactor.能源大臣希望能投产一座更安全的新型产氚反应堆。Energy transmutes into matter and vice versa.能量会变成物质,物质会变成能量。The Energy Department, fearful of public reaction, has cancelled its plans to build four new nuclear reactors.能源部因担心会引起公众的不满,取消了兴建四个新的核反应堆的计划。His calculations and conclusions bear no imprimatur of the Atomic Energy Commission.他的计算和结论均未得到原子能委员会的认可。Energy is locked up in the atom.能量被锁藏于原子内。Energy is converted from one form to another.能源从一种形式转变成另一种形式。The Department of Energy shut down the reactor because of safety considerations.能源部出于安全考虑关闭了反应堆。Energy consumption rises as countries industrialize.随着各国实现工业化,能源消耗增加了。The Energy Minister said that the opposition's concern for the environment was political opportunism.能源部长说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治机会主义。Energy prices have been kept low, so energy is used inefficiently.能源价格一直维持低水平,所以能源利用效率很低。Energy shortages are choking growth in many branches of industry.能源短缺阻滞着许多工业部门的发展。The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory.能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。Energy consumption, congestion and pollution have increased.能源消耗、交通堵塞以及污染状况愈加严重。




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