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词汇 embroidered
例句 An embroidered silk waistcoat contributed to his dandified appearance.身上的丝绸绣花马甲让他看起来更像纨绔子弟了。Some embroidered tablecloths or made raffia mats.一些人给桌布绣花或编酒椰叶纤维席子。The dress has an embroidered band at the hem.这件连衣裙的下摆有一道刺绣花边。A colourful design was embroidered on the sleeve of the shirt.衬衫的袖子上绣了一个色彩鲜艳的图案。The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials.毛巾上绣着他们姓名首字母的连写组合。I embroidered the story about my trip.我对自己旅程的描述进行了渲染。He told some lies and sometimes just embroidered the truth.他撒过一些谎,而有时只是夸大了事实。The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries.衣领上绣着非常小的红色草莓。I assure you I have not embroidered this account.我向你保证,我说的都是真的,一点儿没瞎编。He wore a silk cloak over a finely embroidered robe.他在绣工精细的袍子外套了一件真丝斗篷。She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。The bedspread was embroidered with cross-stitch.床单上用十字绣绣了花。She embroidered flowers on the front of the dress.她在连衣裙的正面绣上花。She embroidered tiny flowers on the baby's scarf.她在婴儿的围巾上绣了些小花。I embroidered wild flowers on the pillow.我在这枕头上绣了野花。The poem had been embroidered on a pretty decorative pillow.这首诗绣在一只漂亮的装饰枕头上。She did beautiful needlework and she embroidered table napkins.她的针线活很漂亮,并且还会刺绣台布。The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries.领子上绣着非常小的红色草莓。Naturally, I embroidered the tale a little to make it more interesting.自然,我讲这个故事时作了一点渲染,好让它更有趣。The dress was embroidered with flowers.那件裙子上绣着花。She embroidered a tablecloth for me.她为我绣了块桌布。The shirt was embroidered with some birds.这衬衣上绣了一些鸟。The dancers had elaborate costumes with long embroidered skirts.舞蹈演员们穿着华丽的服装,包括长长的绣花裙子。The robe has butterflies embroidered in silk on the sleeves.长袍的袖子上有丝绣的蝴蝶图案。I have a pillow with my name embroidered on it.我有一个绣着我名字的枕头。She embroidered the dress with flowers.她给连衣裙绣上花。




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