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词汇 eligible
例句 All those eligible will receive a cash handout.所有符合条件的人都将得到一笔救济款。He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.他是日本最为抢手的单身汉。Only native-born citizens are eligible to the office of president.只有本国出生的公民才有资格担任总统。The school must meet several non-negotiable requirements to be eligible for the funding.学校必须满足几项硬性要求才有资格得到拨款。You might be eligible for a grant.你或许有资格得到奖学金。The prisoner will be eligible for parole after three years.这名罪犯三年后有资格获得假释。Gay and lesbian couples should be eligible for the same health benefits as married heterosexual couples.同性恋夫妻应该有资格享受和异性夫妻同样的健康福利。Where eligible members of staff have worked agreed additional hours above their normal working week, the University offers time off in lieu.当有资格的员工在每周规定的工作时间之外,经过同意又花了额外的时间在工作上时,大学会给他们补假。Rohit may not be promoted soon, but he could hope for time-scale promotion after three years or so when he is eligible under that scheme.罗希特也许不会马上得到提升,但是他能期待在工作三年左右后凭资历升职。All members of the university were eligible for membership.这所大学的所有人员都有资格成为会员。I'd like to join but I'm not eligible yet.我想加入,但现在还没有资格。They are concerned about the reduction in numbers of people eligible for legal aid.有资格接受法律援助的人数减少,他们对此颇为关注。He has romanced some of the world's most eligible women.他已经和一些非常适合结婚的女人谈过恋爱了。Helen married an eligible bachelor.海伦嫁给了一个中意的单身汉。All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan.公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。Only licensed companies are eligible to receive, store, or send classified material.只有持许可证的公司才有资格收发或保存绝密材料。Only citizens are eligible to vote.只有公民有选举资格。The prisoner is eligible for early release.这名囚犯符合提前释放的条件。Gay men are now eligible to become foster parents whether they are single or have partners.无论是单身还是有伴侣,同性恋者现在都可以领养孩子了。Surely she'll be eligible for housing benefit?她当然有资格享受住房补贴吧?All work by current students is eligible for inclusion in the journal.凡在校学生的作品均可在本期刊发表。He's an eligible bachelor. 他是个不错的丈夫人选。Stephen was regarded as an eligible bachelor.史蒂芬被认为是一个合意的单身汉。Students on a part-time course are not eligible for a loan.非全日制课程的学生没有资格申请贷款。The book is not eligible for copyright in this country.此书在这个国家不能申请版权。Only refugees are eligible for resettlement abroad.只有难民才符合移民国外的条件。You could be eligible for a university scholarship.你也许有资格获得大学奖学金。The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.选举委员会宣布,所有有资格者都将获得投票的机会。You may be eligible for a student grant.你可能有资格申请助学金。Students must establish a domicile in the state to be eligible for reduced tuition.学生必须在本州拥有住所才能合法享有低学费。He won't be eligible to retire until next year.他要到明年才有资格退休。He called off the names of the eligible candidates.他依次读出合格候选人的名字。The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.选举委员会宣布所有符合条件者都有机会投票。His father had suggested several eligible middle class girls to him.他父亲向他提议了几个理想的中产阶级的女孩子。Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit.数以百万计的房主都有资格享受新的市政税津贴。Only half of the eligible employees took up the offer.只有一半符合条件的员工接受了开出的条件。Lower-paid workers are eligible for tax relief.工资较低的工人有税款减免资格。To be eligible, you must show that you are actively seeking employment.为了取得资格,你必须表明你正在积极地寻找就业机会。Families on low incomes are eligible for state benefits.低收入家庭可享受政府津贴。He is one of the most eligible bachelors in Europe today.他是欧洲最适合作夫婿的单身汉之一。




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