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词汇 乘火车
例句 I always take the train - it's less hassle than a car.我总是乘火车——乘火车比开车省事。We went from Paris to Budapest by rail.我们乘火车从巴黎去布达佩斯。Chicago is perfectly-placed for exploring the US by rail.芝加哥所处的位置是乘火车了解美国的最佳之处。It's probably quicker by train.乘火车可能会快一点。The last stage of the journey was the train north.这次旅行的最后一程是乘火车北行。Most holidaymakers travelled to the camp by train.大多数度假者乘火车到了营地。He came back by rail.他是乘火车回来的。We travelled from China to Russia by train.我们乘火车从中国去俄罗斯旅行。I decided to take the train to work rather than brave the traffic.我决定乘火车上班,不和拥挤的交通死拼。Our best bet would be to take the train.我们最好是乘火车They travelled across Europe by train/car.他们乘火车/开汽车在欧洲旅行。We travelled by train across Eastern Europe.我们乘火车穿越了东欧。We continued our journey by rail.我们乘火车继续旅行。If driving tires you, take the train.如果开车觉得累,就乘火车吧。I purposely avoid making train journeys during the rush hour.我有意避开在高峰时间乘火车Getting a train across country from Cambridge to Chester can be difficult.乘火车在剑桥和切斯特之间进行乡间旅行可不容易。It's a real bind having to go all that way by train.一路都要乘火车,真烦人。They came in by the trainload, piling off at the New York terminal.他们是乘火车来的,在纽约站拥挤着下了车。It's quicker by train.乘火车更快。It was a long train journey to St Petersburg.乘火车到圣彼得堡路程很远。I took a copy of a Graham Greene novel on the train with me.乘火车时随身携带了一本格雷厄姆・格林的小说。She came by train.她是乘火车来的。Edinburgh is easily accessed by rail, air or car.乘火车、飞机或汽车去爱丁堡都很便捷。She travelled across Siberia on the Trans-Siberian railroad.乘火车沿西伯利亚铁路横穿西伯利亚。The usual method of getting through the Amsterdam traffic is to cycle to your local railway station and take the train.克服阿姆斯特丹城市交通障碍的常用方法是骑自行车到附近的火车站乘火车Travelling on the train without a ticket is an offence.不买票乘火车是违法行为。Tina was taking the train south to visit her sister.蒂娜正乘火车南下去看她的姐姐。We traveled by train through Europe.我们乘火车在欧洲旅游。It's an easy journey - we just drive to the station, then take the direct train to Paris.这趟旅程并不费事—我们只要开车到车站,然后乘火车直达巴黎。From Germany we'll travel by train to Poland.我们将乘火车从德国去波兰。By train from Shanghai to my hometown there is at least one change.从上海乘火车到我的家乡,路上至少要换一次车。I don't mind commuting on the train as long as I have a good book to read.我只要有一本好书看,就不在乎每天乘火车来回上下班。I'm sure Craig's old enough to catch a train into town without coming to any harm.我相信克雷格已经长大,可以自己乘火车进城而不会有事的。Granny travelled down by train…奶奶是乘火车过来的。The Young Persons Railcard gives you a discount on rail travel.持青年火车卡乘火车可以打折扣。We got here by train.我们是乘火车来的。He always travels by bus because it costs less than travelling by train.他总是乘公共汽车,因为这比乘火车便宜。In many cities drivers are being enticed to take a train or bus to work.许多城市正鼓励驾车族搭乘火车或公交车去上班。She travelled across Siberia on the Trans-Siberian railway.乘火车沿西伯利亚铁路横穿西伯利亚。




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