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词汇 elapsed
例句 Another hour elapsed and still the wind continued to howl.又过了一个小时,风却仍在怒号着。Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.几个月过去了,他的案子才开审。Some time elapsed, when my attention was excited by the slow approach of an equipage.过了一会儿,一辆缓缓驶过的马车引起了我的注意。Months had elapsed before I heard from my friend again.好几个月过去后我才再次收到我朋友的信。A surprisingly long time had elapsed between the discovery of the body and the arrival of the police.从发现尸体到警察到场,这中间过去了很长一段时间。Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially.十亿分之一秒远未逝去,宇宙已开始成指数级地迅速增大。Weeks elapsed before he returned home.几个星期过后他才回家。They will be interviewed again after an appropriate time interval has elapsed.等上一段适当的时间,他们将会再次接受采访。Nine years elapsed before he produced his eighth symphony.九年过去了,他才创作出了第八交响曲。A year elapsed before I heard from him again.一年过后我才又听到他的音信。




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