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词汇 eighth
例句 The eighth at Banff is one of the world's great golf holes.班夫的第八球洞是世界上最棒的高尔夫球洞之一。The school's eighth-graders are above average in science.该校八年级学生的自然科学水平高于平均水平。The palace has been described as the eighth wonder of the world.这座宫殿已被誉为世界第八大奇观。She represents the eighth congressional district.她代表第八国会选区。I really liked my eighth grade math teacher.我非常喜欢八年级时的数学老师。An eighth of a pound is two ounces.八分之一磅等于两盎司。The eighth rung of the ladder was missing altogether.梯子的第八蹬横木完全不见了。There was a peaceful pitch invasion after Milan's eighth goal.米兰队攻入第八粒进球后,观众有序地涌进球场。She got/made/had a hole in one on the eighth hole.她一杆就打进了第八个洞。He got/shot/scored an ace on the eighth hole.他在第八洞一杆进穴。After seven no-hit innings, he gave up a home run in the eighth.局无安打之后,他在第八局被对方打了一个本垒打。He was the eighth to climb the mountain.他是第八个爬这座山的人。Last night's win was Celtic's eighth consecutive victory.昨晚是凯尔特人队取得的八连胜。He's in eighth place.他排第八。This college has nudged its way up from eighth to seventh among the most influential institutions of higher learning in the country.这所学院在这个国家最有影响的高等院校中已从第八位升到第七位。He was the eighth to break the record.他是打破该记录的第八人。The court found that the sex-education brochures were inappropriate for eighth-grade students.法庭认为性教育手册不适合八年级学生。It's the world's eighth-largest economy.这是世界第八大经济体。Lying eighth after the dressage, she rode with determination.盛装舞步环节后排名第八,她志在必得。Her education ended with the eighth grade.她读到八年级辍学了。They scored in the eighth minute but four minutes later we were level.他们第八分钟时得分,但四分钟之后我们把比分扳平。Nine years elapsed before he produced his eighth symphony.九年过去了,他才创作出了第八交响曲。He hit a double in the eighth inning.他在第八局击出一记二垒打。They loaded the bases with two out in the bottom of the eighth inning.他们队在第八局末以二人出局满垒。The manager decided to change pitchers in the eighth inning.比赛进行到第八局时,教练决定换投手。




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