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词汇 effect on
例句 The weather affected our plans. = The weather had an effect on our plans. 天气影响了我们的计划。Drinking so much is bound to have a bad effect on your health.喝这么多酒必定会损害你的健康。The strictures of the United Nations have failed to have any effect on the warring factions.联合国的谴责对交战各方毫无影响力。The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.政府经费的削减对地方医疗卫生服务产生了极为恶劣的影响。He had a powerful and largely unacknowledged effect on the outcome of the election.他对这次选举结果有种巨大的但在很大程度上未被公认的影响。Economists say raising the minimum wage would have a negligible effect on employment rates.经济学家说,提高最低工资对于就业率的影响微不足道。Many fear that budget cuts will have an adverse effect on education.许多人担心,削减预算将对教育产生不良影响。Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth.气候变化会给地球带来灾难性的影响。The austerity measures will have little immediate effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通摩洛哥人产生直接影响。Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.污染会对脆弱的生态平衡造成灾难性的破坏。The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.对美国造成的心理影响是巨大的,在华盛顿创伤仍未完全弥合。There will no doubt be some medium-term effects on sales.毫无疑问,对销量将会有一些中期影响。Educational level has a sizeable direct effect on income.受教育程度对收入有很大的影响。Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter.暗物质不发光,它之所以能被发现,只是因为它对可见物质产生引力作用。Riding in a car often has a hypnotic effect on babies.坐车常对婴儿有催眠效果。The bad weather could have a disastrous effect on the area's tourism industry.恶劣的气候对这一地区的旅游业可能产生很坏的影响。The police said Mr Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.警方称哈德菲尔德先生的决定将不会对调查的进展造成不利影响。The book had a profound effect on his impressionable young mind.这本书对他易受影响的幼小心灵产生了深远的影响。The effect on the public mind was epileptic.对公众心理的影响犹如癫痫发作。It could have effects on other businesses as well.它可能对其他企业也有影响。Any reduction in community care for the elderly will have a knock-on effect on hospitals.削减社区老人服务会对医院服务带来连锁反应。The incident could have a very damaging effect on the country's tourist trade.这一事件可能会给这个国家的旅游业带来非常严重的负面影响。The new supermarket has had a noticeable effect on people's shopping habits.新的超级市场明显改变了人们的购物习惯。Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.婚外情确实会对婚姻造成毁灭性的影响。The presence of his immediate family is obviously having a calming effect on him.他的直系亲属都在场,这显然起到了让他镇定的作用。Environmentalists claim that the development will have undesirable effects on animal habitats in the area.环境主义者称,开发会对该地区动物的栖息地造成不良影响。His quiet demeanor had a calming effect on us.他平和的举止使我们平静下来。The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms.高昂的资金成本严重影响了美国的很多小型高科技公司。The medicine has a most soothing effect on the nerves.这药对神经有极好的镇定作用。The decision to cut back on film-making had a catastrophic effect on the nurturing of new talent.削减电影制作经费的决定在扶植新人方面有灾难性的影响。I hope the divorce won't have a negative effect on the children.我希望离婚不会对这些孩子造成不良的影响。Testing needs to be done to determine the long-term effects on humans.需要进行检测以确定其对人的长期影响。The drugs palliate pain but have no effect on inflammation.这些药品可减轻痛苦但对炎症没有效果。Unfavourable weather has had damaging effects on this year's harvest.恶劣天气使今年的收成受到了损失。The drug exerts a powerful effect on the brain.这种药对大脑影响很大。I like to think I had a civilizing effect on my younger brothers.我希望我影响了弟弟们,使他们变得文明起来。The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。Using computers has a beneficial effect on children's learning.使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。The war is having a devastating effect on people's lives.战争给人民的生活造成破坏性的影响。The drug has well-documented inhibitory effects on sexual function.有充分证据表明,这种药对性功能有抑制作用。




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