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词汇 educational
例句 They produce educational videos for learning languages.他们制作语言教学录像带。Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?.为什么在这个国家我们背离了教育上明智的选择?This initiative is not the answer to what ails our educational system.这一方案并不能解决我们教育体制的弊病。Dawson argued that there is a strong correlation between teenage crime and low educational achievement.道森辩称青少年犯罪与教育程度低有密切关联。Girls under nine were forbidden from educational institutions.九岁以下女童被教育机构拒之门外。Most disabled students are integrated into the mainstream educational system.大部分残障学生都融入了主流的教育体系。The latest report on educational standards in our schools makes very interesting reading.关于我们学校的教学水平的最新报道读起来极为有趣。The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also touched upon sources of finance.该报告谈的是成人的教育机会,报告人也提到了资金来源问题。The educational software was sent to teachers for review.这款教育软件已发给老师们征求意见。It is important to have a broad educational background.有丰富的教育背景很重要。Are politicians the best people to be developing the educational curriculum?政治家是最适合制定学校课程的人吗?Language difficulties can affect educational attainments.语言障碍会影响学习成效。I recently spoke at an educational seminar for judges.我最近在一个为法官举办的教育研讨会上发了言。The program's educational value was questioned.这个节目的教育意义受到了质疑。The educational program is aimed at preschoolers.这个教育方案是针对学龄前儿童的。She hopes the new educational program will become a permanent fixture at the zoo.她希望这种新的驯养计划能在动物园中长期存在下去。We are making progress on the educational front.我们在教育领域不断取得进步。Their progress at work was mirrored by their children's educational advance.子女在学业上有所进步,他们在工作上也就会有所起色。I'm a teacher, so their criticisms of our educational system hit close to home.我是一名教师,所以他们对我们教育制度的批评令我很尴尬。These children have special educational needs and require one-to-one attention.这些孩子有特别的教育需求,需要给予一对一的关注。There is a clear link between social class and educational achievement.社会等级与教育成就有明显的联系。The Conference called on everyone to come together to resist the government's planned educational reforms.大会号召大家合力抵制政府的教育改革计划。We offer a wide range of educational and sporting activities.我们有各式各样的教育和体育活动。Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.在就医学研究专题讨论一天后,会议接下来的主题集中在教学实践上。The booklet aims to help parents assess recent educational changes.这本小册子旨在帮助家长评价近期的教育改革。We have seen a sharp decline in educational standards over recent years.近年我们目睹了教育水平的急剧下滑。The sixth grade saw an educational film yesterday.六年级学生昨天看了一部教育片。Heightened expectations for educational progress had not been realized.对教育发展的更高期望还没有实现。She will be remembered as someone who worked tirelessly for educational reform.人们将记得她曾为教育改革孜孜不倦地工作过。All these modern educational aids are powered by electricity.所有这些现代化教具都是电动的。An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient.一个不教基础算术知识的教育体制是有严重缺陷的。The experience has been tremendously educational.这一经历极富教育意义。These teachers have been cut off from the mainstream of educational activity.这些老师被排除在教育活动的主流之外。The educational program is keyed to the needs of working women.这项教育计划是针对职业女性的需求制订的。Visually impaired people have as much right to full access to educational courses as anyone else.有视力障碍者和任何人一样,都有修读教育课程的权利。I think we need to improve our educational system in general.我认为有必要从总体上改进教育制度。Low-income children do not have the same educational opportunities as children from wealthier families.低收入家庭的孩子没法和有钱人家的孩子享受同样的教育机会。At the meeting John spoke for educational reform.在会上,约翰发言支持教育改革。The Foundation promotes cultural and educational exchanges between Britain and India.这个基金会促进英国和印度之间的文化和教育交流。A number of educational reforms have come about as a result of the report.由于这个报告,出现了一系列的教育改革。




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