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词汇 保单
例句 Acts of God, terrorism, and wars are excluded by the policy.保单对由于不可抗力、恐怖活动和战争造成的损失不予赔付。Once the insured has sold his policy, he naturally loses all rights to it.一旦被保险人卖出保单,他就自然失去了上面所有的权利。He canceled his insurance policy last month.他上个月撤销了保单The policy covers water damage.这份保单保水渍损害险。To gain compensation they would have to prove that they had been mis-sold policies.要想得到补偿,他们必须证明自己是受误导才购买了保单It's still covered by the manufacturer's guarantee.它的制造厂保单仍未过期。She didn't pay the premium and her life insurance policy lapsed.她未缴保费,人寿险保单失效了。Make sure your policy covers you in case of medical emergency.一定要让你的保单涵盖紧急医疗事故险。We bought legal protection as an add-on to our home insurance policy.我们购买了法律保障险,作为家庭财产保单的补充。I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, along with my other important documents.我把保单连同其他重要文件放在最上面的抽屉里。Make sure you check the details of the policy before you sign it.签字之前一定要检查一下保单的详细条款。This insurance policy gives blanket cover.这份保单包含全部保险项目。Fortunately it's still covered by the manufacturer's guarantee.幸亏这商品的制造厂保单仍未过期。The policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.这份保单对火灾和失窃提供全额保险。She added a rider to her life insurance policy that increased her coverage.她在她的寿险保单上又加了一条附文,扩大了她的投保范围。Logistically it is very difficult to value unit-linked policies.为单位信托保单估值操作起来非常困难。Many policies pay out only after a period of weeks or months.很多保单在几周或几个月后才得以赔付。Accidental breakage of your glassware will be covered by the policy.保单将对玻璃器皿的意外破损给予赔偿。Many people have found out to their cost that insurance policies do not always cover damage from flooding.许多人吃了苦头才明白,保单并不一定都赔偿水灾损失。Avoid cashing in a policy early as you could lose out heavily.不要提早兑现保单,那样你可能会损失惨重。She was illiterate, and could not understand the written details on the insurance form.她不识字,看不懂保单上写的具体内容。The policy covers the traveler in any accident.旅客发生任何事故,这张保单都予以赔付。The deal offers an increase in policy value in return for giving up guarantees.作为放弃担保的交换,这笔交易将提高保单价值。I bought an umbrella policy that insures my car, jewelry, and house.我购买了一份综合性保单,为我的汽车、珠宝和房子都上了保险。The policy document will be issued to all employees.保单会发给每个雇员。Our company can provide you with an insurance policy that is tailor-made for you.我们公司可以提供给你量身订做的保单Most policies cover accidental damage to pipes.大部分保单都承保管子的意外损坏。Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy.保单有效期内,所缴纳的保险费是有保障的。The insurance policy covers the building for accidental damage.这份保单承保这座建筑的意外毁损。There are considerable risks inherent in the policy.这一保单本身就有相当大的风险。




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