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例句 They suggested that she make a dignified exit in the interest of the party.他们建议她为了政党的利益体面地下台He must recognise by now that he will be a one-term, increasingly lame duck president.他现在应该已经明白,自己这个总统一任就会下台,而且权力将越来越小。This Government deserved to lose power a year ago. It held on.这届政府一年前就该下台了。可它还在撑着。His ouster sent reverberations throughout the country.他的被迫下台在全国引起阵阵冲击波。Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.参议院中强烈要求总统下台的呼声很坚决。Many investors must be hoping that he will be dethroned, his publishing empire dismembered.众多投资者此时一定希望他能被撵下台,他的出版帝国四分五裂。An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.一连串不幸事件同时发生,导致了他的下台She was brought down by a corruption scandal.她因贪污丑闻而下台The President said he was willing to stand aside if that would stop the killing.总统说,如果他下台能让杀戮停止的话,他愿意这样做。The charges against the president are not strong enough to warrant his removal.对总统的指控还没有严重到足以使其下台的程度。His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.下台了,索非亚的大街小巷一片欢腾。His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.他的挑战导致了撒切尔夫人的下台His lack of experience had led to his downfall.经验不足导致了他的下台The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him.总统同意了强硬派的意见,以免他们产生赶他下台的念头。Every administration has its time. And when your time is over, you leave.每届政府都有其执政期限,任期届满时就得下台Greed got him his fancy cars and high-powered boats. And greed caused his downfall.贪心使他得到了豪华汽车和高速游艇,贪心也导致了他的下台His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.他对欧洲统一的执著追求在一定程度上促成了撒切尔夫人的下台This actually has the potential to precipitate his downfall.这实际上可能会促使他下台The opinion that the president should stand down has gained considerable strength.总统应该下台的观点已经获得大量的支持。The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.受到被驱逐下台的独裁政府官员的威胁后,那个牧师一直藏匿不出。They were confident they could get the Conservatives out.他们很自信能够让保守党下台You are liable to face acrimonious reprisals from your enemy once you stepped down from your office.下台之后,很可能面临对手刻毒的反击。The premier remains under intense pressure to stand aside.总理仍然面临下台的巨大压力。Crowds celebrated the dictator's deposition.人们欢聚在一起庆祝独裁者下台The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.只要选举在国际监督下进行,总统就不用下台He was becoming an embarrassment to the government and had to go.他让政府困窘不堪,只能下台One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign.肯尼亚一位高级宗教人士要求政府下台They were scheming to bring about his downfall.他们在策划使他下台The decision appears to be a face-saving compromise which will allow the government to remain in office.这个决定看来是一种保全面子的妥协,让政府不至于下台They cannot join forces to vote her out of office.他们不能联合起来通过投票表决让她下台Each successive revelation of incompetence is another nail in the chairman's coffin.接二连三地显露出不称职是导致董事长下台的一道道催命符。Europe may finally cook poor Hague's goose just as it did for the previous two Tory leaders.就像对待前两位保守党领导人那样,欧洲最终可能会把可怜的黑格搞下台Voters are unhappy with the governor and want to turn her out.选民们对州长不满意,想要把她撵下台Many would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man.很多人更希望看到他下台,以让位给更年轻的人。The government was brought down by a vote of no confidence.政府因被投不信任票而下台The assembly passed a resolution calling for the university president to step down.大会通过了要求那名大学校长下台的决议。He was shown the evidence in private and was invited to stand down.有人私下向他出示了证据,要他下台Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall.他的下台几名同事都插了一手。He was out because he was defeated in the election.他在选举中被击败,下台了。This crisis could bring down the British government.这次危机可能会使英国现政府下台




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