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词汇 east
例句 The prospect of the gate is toward the east.这扇大门方向朝东。It is the control point for railroads radiating north, east, west and south.这是个交通枢纽,铁路由此向东西南北伸展出去。Here the road branched, going one way east to Edoras, and the other north to the Fords of Isen.道路在这里分岔,一条朝东通往伊多拉斯,另一条向北通往伊森渡口。Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。She owned a boarding house on the east coast.她在东海岸有一所家庭旅馆。They surveyed the east coast from a helicopter.他们从直升机上勘测了东海岸。The road runs north-east for another few miles.这条路向东北方又延伸了几英里。The east coast has been plagued by blizzards for most of this month.这个月的大部分时间里东海岸遭受了暴风雪的肆虐。They sailed down the east coast of Africa.他们驾船往南沿非洲东海岸航行。Huge sums of private capital will be ploughed into the ailing industries of the east.巨额私人资本将投入东部处境困难的一些行业。They set out toward the east.他们向东进发了。According to the map, we need to head north-east.依照地图,我们需要向东北方向走。I don't know the east coast well.我不太熟悉东海岸。She spent her formative years growing up in east London.她性格形成的关键期是在伦敦东区度过的。Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west.在正常情况下,太平洋的热带洋流自东向西流。Her childhood was spent in the squalid slums east of the city.她的童年是在城市东部的肮脏贫民窟内度过的。This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.这一决定会给东伦敦的经济复苏带来新的推动力。She's from the east.她来自东部地区。An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane.在东向车道上发生了一起涉及十多辆汽车的交通事故。Most avalanche accidents occur on north- and east-facing slopes.大多数雪崩事件发生在面北和面东的斜坡上。The climate is cooler in the east of the country.该国东部气候比较凉爽。A bright star shone in the east.一颗明星在东方闪耀。The drug is being used all the time out east.这药一直在东亚使用。Ohio lies east of Indiana. = Ohio lies to the east of Indiana.俄亥俄州在印第安纳州以东。In the east we could see the first faint glimmer of dawn.我们可以看到东方的第一缕曙光。Turn and face to the east.转身面向东方。She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open.她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。The panic is overdone. The drought has been confined to the south and east.旱情已被控制在南部和东部,人们大可不必如此恐慌。The sun moves from east to west.太阳自东向西运行。The points of the compass are north, south, east, and west.罗盘上的方位点分别为北、南、东和西。The house looks east.这座房子朝东。The river turns east for a few miles and then continues south.河流向东流了几英里之后又向南流去。The river turns sharply to the east.这条河的水流向东陡转。The racecourse borders the city on the east.赛马场邻接东城。The sun crosses the sky from east to west.太阳自东向西穿过天空。Most of the east coast remains untouched by tourism.东海岸的大部分地区还没受到旅游业的侵扰。Beneath the east window of the church stands the great altar.教堂东边的窗户下面是大祭坛。The cabin looks east, so we get the morning sun.小屋朝东,所以我们早上晒得到太阳。Sunderland is in the north-east of England.森德兰位于英格兰东北部。Because of the snowstorm on the east coast, flights for Boston were sent as far away as Montreal.由于东海岸有暴风雪,去波士顿的航班要转飞到其他地方,最远到蒙特利尔去。




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