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We all know the best way to fight crime is to remove the causes of crime, but that is easier said than done.我们都知道打击犯罪的最好方式是从根源上消除犯罪,但是说起来容易做起来难。Talking calmly to a screaming child sounds like a good idea, but any parent will tell you it's easier said than done.对尖声叫喊的小孩要平心静气地讲话听起来像是个好主意,但任何一个做父母的都会告诉你这事是说来容易做来难。Finding the perfect house was easier said than done.要找到十全十美的房子谈何容易哟。Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.防蚊叮咬好说难做。Losing weight is easier said than done. 减肥说起来容易,做起来难。 |