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词汇 dust
例句 Everything was covered by a thin layer of sand/dust.所有的东西上面都覆盖着一层薄薄的沙子/尘土。The housekeeper should have shaken the dust out of the rug.女管家本应该把小地毯上的灰尘抖干净的。Strong winds blew away most of the dust.大风卷走了大部分的尘土。Occasionally scree fell in a shower of dust and noise.偶尔会有岩屑带着烟尘哗啦啦地落下。There were minute particles of dust in the air.空气中含有粉尘微粒。The table was thinly coated/covered/layered in dust.桌子上蒙了一层薄薄的灰尘。One of the major allergens causing asthma is house dust.引起哮喘的主要变应原之一是室内尘埃。Too often, expensive toys just gather dust.经常是价格贵的玩具遭冷落。All hope of them winning the championship eventually bit the dust.他们赢得冠军的所有希望最终都成了泡影。A car rumbled over the bumpy dirt road, leaving behind a whirl of white dust.一辆汽车隆隆地驶过坑坑洼洼的泥地,扬起一阵白色尘土。We will have to let the dust settle a bit and make a considered judgement.我们必须待事态平静一些后再作出深思熟虑的判断。His body slowly withered into dust.他的尸体慢慢化作了尘土。Satellite imagery indicated that dust from the Sahara is spreading westward.卫星云图显示来自撒哈拉的沙尘正在向西扩散。My guitar has just been gathering dust since I injured my hand.自从我的手受伤后,我的吉他就一直没有动过。Would you dust off the shelves?你能把架子上的灰尘擦一擦吗?You can see the dust particles floating through the air.你可以看见空气中飘浮的尘埃颗粒。The dust sifted in through the cracks in the window.灰尘从窗户的裂缝里钻了进来。When her mother told her to dust her room she just went through the motions.她母亲说要她打扫打扫她的房间,她只是马马虎虎地敷衍了一下。They've left other companies eating their dust. 他们已将其他公司远远地甩在了后面。A film of dust covered every surface.到处都蒙着一层灰尘。The presence of dust clouds has been taken as evidence of recent star formation.尘云的出现被看作是最近有恒星形成的证据。Everyone was kicking up a dust because the trains were running late.由于火车晚点,大家七嘴八舌议论纷纷。They are shielding him and throwing dust in the eyes of the police.他们蒙蔽警察来包庇他。The dust jacket was torn.书的护封破了。The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight.灰尘在阳光下旋转翻腾。Tickets for the concert are like gold dust.这场音乐会真是一票难求。All this dust is blinking my eyes.这些灰尘弄得我眼睛看不见东西了。I've got a speck of dust in my eye.我眼睛里弄进了一粒灰尘。I turned around and saw that, out of the dust and the crowd, another car was pulling ahead to join us.我转过头看到,从飞扬的尘土和人堆里又有一辆车赶超上来加入我们的车阵。She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan.她正在厨房把面包屑扫入簸箕里。I'll call you as soon as the dust settles from the move. 我安顿下来就给你打电话。The information the criminal's wife gave the police only threw dust into their eyes.罪犯的妻子提供给警方的消息反而蒙蔽了他们的视线。The floor was covered with dust.地面上都是灰尘。A gust of wind stirred up the dust on the ground.一阵风吹起了地上的尘土。Some of the new equipment is just gathering dust because the staff have not been trained to use it.一些新设备因为员工没有学会使用,就放着积灰。As the new stars evolve and emit more heat and light, they will evaporate the dust.随着新恒星逐步形成并散发出更多的光和热,尘埃将因此消散。There were dust sheets over the furniture.家具上盖有防尘套。Pollution from smoke and dust vitiates the air.尘烟会污染空气。They saw first a cloud of dust and then the car that was stirring it up.他们先看到了扬起的一团尘土,然后才看到了汽车。The furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs.家具上落满了灰尘和蜘蛛网。




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